Land degradation and poverty

EB Barbier, JP Hochard - Nature Sustainability, 2018 -
Land is one of the few productive assets owned by the rural poor, and almost all such
households engage in some form of agriculture. Over 2000–2010 the rural poor on …

Sustainable agricultural intensification in an era of rural transformation in Africa

TS Jayne, S Snapp, F Place, N Sitko - Global Food Security, 2019 - Elsevier
Drawing on Boserupian and induced innovation principles, this review explores how the
farm technologies and practices associated with integrated soil management and …

Grasslands—more important for ecosystem services than you might think

J Bengtsson, JM Bullock, B Egoh, C Everson… - …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Extensively managed grasslands are recognized globally for their high biodiversity and their
social and cultural values. However, their capacity to deliver multiple ecosystem services …

[PDF][PDF] The role of smallholder farms in a changing world

S Fan, C Rue - The role of smallholder farms in food and nutrition …, 2020 -
Despite progress, multiple burdens of malnutrition persist worldwide: 795 million people are
hungry more than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies and over 2 billion …

[HTML][HTML] Land pressures, the evolution of farming systems, and development strategies in Africa: A synthesis

TS Jayne, J Chamberlin, DD Headey - Food policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Evidence assembled in this special issue of Food Policy shows that rising rural population
densities in parts of Africa are profoundly affecting farming systems and the region's …

Do farmland transfers mitigate farmland abandonment?——A case study of China's mountainous areas

H Song, X Li, L **n, X Wang - Habitat International, 2024 - Elsevier
Farmland abandonment is a manifestation of farmland misallocation in mountainous parts of
China. Farmland transfers are an important pathway for reallocating farmland, and it is still …

Positive impacts of farmland fragmentation on agricultural production efficiency in Qilu Lake watershed: Implications for appropriate scale management

P Yu, S Fennell, Y Chen, H Liu, L Xu, J Pan, S Bai… - Land Use Policy, 2022 - Elsevier
Farmland fragmentation can be influenced by factors that operate at different scales. It is not
only a spatial boundary pattern of farmland use and management rights shaped by macro …

Does labour migration necessarily promote farmers' land transfer-in?—empirical evidence from China's rural panel data

K Huang, S Cao, C Qing, D Xu, S Liu - Journal of Rural Studies, 2023 - Elsevier
With rapidly advancing urbanization and agricultural modernisation in China, some of the
rural labour force has transferred to urban non-agricultural sectors for employment, resulting …

[HTML][HTML] Land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security in poor agrarian economies: Causal linkages and research gaps

ST Holden, H Ghebru - Global Food Security, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the literature to identify the relationship between tenure security and food
security. The literatures on tenure issues and food security issues are not well connected …

[HTML][HTML] Barriers to urban agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

J Davies, C Hannah, Z Guido, A Zimmer, L McCann… - Food Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
Trends in urbanization and urban food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have
stimulated critical debates around the potential benefits of urban agriculture (UA) to urban …