Theory of star formation

CF McKee, EC Ostriker - Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 2007 -
We review current understanding of star formation, outlining an overall theoretical framework
and the observations that motivate it. A conception of star formation has emerged in which …

Control of star formation by supersonic turbulence

MM Mac Low, RS Klessen - Reviews of modern physics, 2004 - APS
Understanding the formation of stars in galaxies is central to much of modern astrophysics.
However, a quantitative prediction of the star formation rate and the initial distribution of …

Global hierarchical collapse in molecular clouds. Towards a comprehensive scenario

E Vázquez-Semadeni, A Palau… - Monthly Notices of …, 2019 -
We present a unified description of the scenario of global hierarchical collapse (GHC). GHC
constitutes a flow regime of (non-homologous) collapses within collapses, in which all …

Interstellar turbulence I: observations and processes

BG Elmegreen, J Scalo - Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 2004 -
▪ Abstract Turbulence affects the structure and motions of nearly all temperature and density
regimes in the interstellar gas. This two-part review summarizes the observations, theory …

The universality of turbulence in galactic molecular clouds

MH Heyer, CM Brunt - The Astrophysical Journal, 2004 -
The universality of interstellar turbulence is examined from observed structure functions of
27 giant molecular clouds and Monte Carlo modeling. We show that the structure functions …

The mass function of dense molecular cores and the origin of the IMF

J Alves, M Lombardi, CJ Lada - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007 -
Context. Stars form in the cold dense cores of interstellar molecular clouds and the detailed
knowledge of the spectrum of masses of such cores is clearly a key for the understanding of …

Modelling CO formation in the turbulent interstellar medium

SCO Glover, C Federrath, MM Mac Low… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2010 -
We present results from high-resolution three-dimensional simulations of turbulent
interstellar gas that self-consistently follow its coupled thermal, chemical and dynamical …

Physical processes in the interstellar medium

NY Gnedin, SCO Glover, RS Klessen… - Star Formation in Galaxy …, 2016 - Springer
Understanding the physical processes that govern the dynamical behavior of the interstellar
medium (ISM) is central to much of modern astronomy and astrophysics. The ISM is the …

Gravity or turbulence? Velocity dispersion–size relation

J Ballesteros-Paredes, LW Hartmann… - Monthly Notices of …, 2011 -
We discuss the nature of the velocity dispersion versus size relation for molecular clouds. In
particular, we add to previous observational results showing that the velocity dispersions in …

From diffuse gas to dense molecular cloud cores

J Ballesteros-Paredes, P André, P Hennebelle… - Space Science …, 2020 - Springer
Molecular clouds are a fundamental ingredient of galaxies: they are the channels that
transform the diffuse gas into stars. The detailed process of how they do it is not completely …