Deterministic, near-linear 𝜀-approximation algorithm for geometric bipartite matching
Given two point sets A and B in ℝ d of size n each, for some constant dimension d≥ 1, and a
parameter ε> 0, we present a deterministic algorithm that computes, in n·(ε− 1 log n) O (d) …
parameter ε> 0, we present a deterministic algorithm that computes, in n·(ε− 1 log n) O (d) …
Almost-linear ε-emulators for planar graphs
We study vertex sparsification for distances, in the setting of planar graphs with distortion:
Given a planar graph G (with edge weights) and a subset of k terminal vertices, the goal is to …
Given a planar graph G (with edge weights) and a subset of k terminal vertices, the goal is to …
Path planning for heterogeneous uavs with radar sensors
Due to their flexibility and agility, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer a promising
approach to cluster planning within wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, the limited …
approach to cluster planning within wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, the limited …
A robust exact algorithm for the euclidean bipartite matching problem
Algorithms for the minimum-cost bipartite matching can be used to estimate Wasserstein
distance between two distributions. Given two sets $ A $ and $ B $ of $ n $ points in a $2 …
distance between two distributions. Given two sets $ A $ and $ B $ of $ n $ points in a $2 …
[PDF][PDF] A higher precision algorithm for computing the 1-wasserstein distance
We consider the problem of computing the 1-Wasserstein distance W (µ, ν) between two d-
dimensional discrete distributions µ and ν whose support lie within the unit hypercube …
dimensional discrete distributions µ and ν whose support lie within the unit hypercube …
A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport Problem
Optimal Transport (OT, also known as the Wasserstein distance) is a popular metric for
comparing probability distributions and has been successfully used in many machine …
comparing probability distributions and has been successfully used in many machine …
A data-dependent approach for high-dimensional (robust) wasserstein alignment
Many real-world problems can be formulated as the alignment between two geometric
patterns. Previously, a great amount of research focus on the alignment of two-dimensional …
patterns. Previously, a great amount of research focus on the alignment of two-dimensional …
[PDF][PDF] An improved ε-approximation algorithm for geometric bipartite matching
For two point sets A, B⊂ Rd, with| A|=| B|= n and d> 1 a constant, and for a parameter ε> 0,
we present a randomized algorithm that, with probability at least 1/2, computes in O (n (ε− O …
we present a randomized algorithm that, with probability at least 1/2, computes in O (n (ε− O …
Fine-Grained Complexity of Earth Mover's Distance under Translation
The Earth Mover's Distance is a popular similarity measure in several branches of computer
science. It measures the minimum total edge length of a perfect matching between two point …
science. It measures the minimum total edge length of a perfect matching between two point …
A deterministic near-linear time approximation scheme for geometric transportation
Given a set of points P=\left(P^+⊔P^-\right)⊂R^d for some constant d and a supply function
μ:P→R such that μ(p)\gt 0∀p∈P^+,μ(p)\lt0∀p∈P^-, and p∈Pμ(p)=0, the geometric …
μ:P→R such that μ(p)\gt 0∀p∈P^+,μ(p)\lt0∀p∈P^-, and p∈Pμ(p)=0, the geometric …