Home foreclosure, health, and mental health: a systematic review of individual, aggregate, and contextual associations
AC Tsai - PloS one, 2015 - journals.plos.org
Background The US foreclosure crisis intensified markedly during the Great Recession of
2007-09, and currently an estimated five percent of US residential properties are more than …
2007-09, and currently an estimated five percent of US residential properties are more than …
[Књига][B] Everyday life in austerity: Family, friends and intimate relations
SM Hall - 2019 - Springer
[I] t's probably been harder that I would have thought. But then, I know for other people it's
been even harder. You know, you look at the amount of people using food banks and the …
been even harder. You know, you look at the amount of people using food banks and the …
[Књига][B] Non-performing loans, non-performing people: Life and struggle with mortgage debt in Spain
M García-Lamarca - 2022 - books.google.com
Non-Performing Loans, Non-Performing People tells the previously untold stories of those
living with mortgage debt in times of precarity and explores how individualized indebtedness …
living with mortgage debt in times of precarity and explores how individualized indebtedness …
A very personal crisis: Family fragilities and everyday conjunctures within lived experiences of austerity
SM Hall - Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper brings together key ideas from across economic and social theory to expand
geographical understandings of crisis at the personal scale. Drawing on ethnographic …
geographical understandings of crisis at the personal scale. Drawing on ethnographic …
Mortgage foreclosure and health disparities: Serial displacement as asset extraction in African American populations
In this paper we offer a conceptualization of mortgage foreclosure as serial displacement by
highlighting the current crisis in the context of historically repeated extraction of capital …
highlighting the current crisis in the context of historically repeated extraction of capital …
Housing and health: a social ecological perspective on the US foreclosure crisis
This study adds to the literature linking housing and health by illustrating how poor health
can increase the risk of foreclosure, and how the threat of foreclosure can negatively affect …
can increase the risk of foreclosure, and how the threat of foreclosure can negatively affect …
“When you're in a crisis like that, you don't want people to know”: mortgage strain, stigma, and mental health
Objectives. We analyzed experiences of stigmatization, concealment, and isolation among
African American homeowners who were experiencing mortgage strain. Methods. We …
African American homeowners who were experiencing mortgage strain. Methods. We …
“We're just existing, not living!” Mortgage stress and the concealed costs of co** with crisis
Following the financial crisis, an extensive literature has examined the vulnerabilities facing
mortgagors in default and foreclosure. However, in addition to these “overt casualties” of the …
mortgagors in default and foreclosure. However, in addition to these “overt casualties” of the …
Eroding the wealth of women: Gender and the subprime foreclosure crisis
AC Baker - Social Service Review, 2014 - journals.uchicago.edu
This article considers how mortgage markets evolved beyond protective legislation, creating
a policy gap conducive to new forms of gender inequity in housing and lending. In the early …
a policy gap conducive to new forms of gender inequity in housing and lending. In the early …
Financial geography III: Research strategies, designs, methods and data
D Wójcik - Progress in Human Geography, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
I review research strategies, designs, methods and data in financial geography, by focussing
on 449 articles published in 2001–2020. The analysis shows considerable methodological …
on 449 articles published in 2001–2020. The analysis shows considerable methodological …