[HTML][HTML] Stress and traumatic brain injury: An inherent bi-directional relationship with temporal and synergistic complexities

J Brand, SJ McDonald, JR Gawryluk, BR Christie… - Neuroscience & …, 2023 - Elsevier
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stress are prevalent worldwide and can both result in life-
altering health problems. While stress often occurs in the absence of TBI, TBI inherently …

Twenty years of blast-induced neurotrauma: current state of knowledge

T Sachdeva, SG Ganpule - Neurotrauma Reports, 2024 - liebertpub.com
Blast-induced neurotrauma (BINT) is an important injury paradigm of neurotrauma research.
This short communication summarizes the current knowledge of BINT. We divide the BINT …

Low-intensity open-field blast exposure effects on neurovascular unit ultrastructure in mice

C Li, S Chen, HR Siedhoff, DA Grant, P Liu… - Acta neuropathologica …, 2023 - Springer
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) induced by low-intensity blast (LIB) is a serious health
problem affecting military service members and veterans. Our previous reports using a …

Repetitive subconcussion results in disrupted neural activity independent of concussion history

KG Solar, M Ventresca, R Zamyadi, J Zhang… - Brain …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Concussion is a public health crisis that results in a complex cascade of neurochemical
changes that can have life-changing consequences. Subconcussions are generally …

Quantitative proteomic profiling in brain subregions of mice exposed to open-field low-intensity blast reveals position-dependent blast effects

M Jackson, S Chen, P Liu, M Langenderfer, C Li… - Shock Waves, 2024 - Springer
The neurological consequences of combat blast-induced neurotrauma (BINT) pose
important clinical concerns for military service members and veterans. Previous studies have …

Blast effects on post-concussive and mental health outcomes: Data from Canadian Armed Forces breachers and snipers

O Vartanian, SG Rhind, A Nakashima… - Journal of Military …, 2022 - utppublishing.com
LAY SUMMARY There has been increasing interest in understanding the impact of blast
exposure on health and performance in military members and Veterans. This phenomenon …

Eagle-449: A volumetric, whole-brain compilation of brain atlases for vestibular functional MRI research

JL Smith, V Ahluwalia, RK Gore, JW Allen - Scientific Data, 2023 - nature.com
Human vestibular processing involves distributed networks of cortical and subcortical
regions which perform sensory and multimodal integrative functions. These functional hubs …

The chronic effects of a single low-intensity blast exposure on Phosphoproteome networks and cognitive function influenced by mutant tau overexpression

M Jackson, S Chen, TT Nguyen, HR Siedhoff… - International Journal of …, 2024 - mdpi.com
Blast-induced neurotrauma (BINT) is a pressing concern for veterans and civilians exposed
to explosive devices. Affected personnel may have increased risk for long-term cognitive …

Differences in Brain Volume in Military Service Members and Veterans After Blast-Related Mild TBI: A LIMBIC-CENC Study

EL Dennis, JA Rowland, C Esopenko… - JAMA Network …, 2024 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Blast-related mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), the “signature injury” of post-
9/11 conflicts, are associated with clinically relevant, long-term cognitive, psychological, and …

The multiple functions of melatonin: applications in the military setting

G Gancitano, RJ Reiter - Biomedicines, 2022 - mdpi.com
The aim of this review is to provide the reader with a general overview on the rationale for
the use of melatonin by military personnel. This is a technique that is being increasingly …