Examining race in LatCrit: A systematic review of Latinx Critical Race Theory in education
LC Chávez-Moreno - Review of Educational Research, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This systematic review includes 125 peer-reviewed education-research articles that employ
a LatCrit framework (from a search including articles published from 1995 to 2020). The …
a LatCrit framework (from a search including articles published from 1995 to 2020). The …
Seeking safety and humanity in the harshest immigration climate in a generation: A review of the literature on the effects of separation and detention on migrant and …
KL Edyburn, S Meek - Social Policy Report, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In recent years, families with children from the Northern Triangle countries of Central
America constitute a large and growing proportion of migrants and overall filed asylum …
America constitute a large and growing proportion of migrants and overall filed asylum …
[КНИГА][B] Racial microaggressions: Using critical race theory to respond to everyday racism
DG Solórzano, LP Huber - 2020 - books.google.com
Drawing from over 2 decades of research, this book offers an in-depth analysis of a systemic
form of everyday racism commonly experienced by People of Color. Racial …
form of everyday racism commonly experienced by People of Color. Racial …
Flint, environmental racism, and racial capitalism
L Pulido - Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
In this essay, I argue that the recent poisoning in Flint, Michigan, is a powerful example of
both environmental racism and the everyday functioning of racial capitalism. As a journal …
both environmental racism and the everyday functioning of racial capitalism. As a journal …
[КНИГА][B] Can education change society?
MW Apple - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the
production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education …
production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education …
[КНИГА][B] Racial formation in the United States
M Omi, H Winant - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Twenty years since the publication of the Second Edition and more than thirty years since
the publication of the original book, Racial Formation in the United States now arrives with …
the publication of the original book, Racial Formation in the United States now arrives with …
[КНИГА][B] Teaching for diversity and social justice
M Adams, LA Bell, P Griffin - 2007 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Description: Fourth edition.| New York, NY: Routledge, 2023.| Includes bibliographical
references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022010343 (print)| LCCN 2022010344 (ebook) …
references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022010343 (print)| LCCN 2022010344 (ebook) …
[КНИГА][B] Decolonizing diasporas: Radical map**s of Afro-Atlantic literature
Y Figueroa-Vásquez - 2020 - library.oapen.org
Decolonizing Diasporas proposes a new way to read the literary and cultural productions of
the Afro-Atlantic. Map** literature from Spanish-speaking Sub-Saharan African and Afro …
the Afro-Atlantic. Map** literature from Spanish-speaking Sub-Saharan African and Afro …
Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta‐analysis
We combine the interactional model of cultural diversity (IMCD) and relative deprivation
theory to examine employee outcomes of perceived workplace racial discrimination. Using …
theory to examine employee outcomes of perceived workplace racial discrimination. Using …
[КНИГА][B] Working the Boundaries: Race, Space, and" Illegality" in Mexican Chicago
N De Genova - 2005 - books.google.com
While Chicago has the second-largest Mexican population among US cities, relatively little
ethnographic attention has focused on its Mexican community. This much-needed …
ethnographic attention has focused on its Mexican community. This much-needed …