Pricing irrigation water: A literature survey

R Johansson - Available at SSRN 632520, 2000 -
Getting prices right and allocating water efficiently will become increasingly important as
demand for food and water increases and as water scarcity becomes more of a problem …

The economics of water, irrigation, and development

K Schoengold, D Zilberman - Handbook of agricultural economics, 2007 - Elsevier
Abstract The post-World War II era has witnessed a drastic increase in irrigation activities
that have contributed substantially to the massive growth in agricultural production that …

The middle east water question

T Allan - 2001 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 i THE MIDDLE EAST WATER QUESTION 00-Prelims.p65 2/9/01, 2:15
PM 1 Page 3 ii Also published by IB Tauris: Water, Peace and the Middle East edited by JA …

[KNIHA][B] The institutional economics of water: a cross-country analysis of institutions and performance

RM Saleth, A Dinar - 2004 -
We are both impressed by the book. It merits prominent publication as a far-reaching
application of innovative methodologies to an important, and well explained, worldwide …

SDN controllers: A comparative study

O Salman, IH Elhajj, A Kayssi… - 2016 18th …, 2016 -
The control plane is an essential part of the SDN architecture, so it is very important to give
proper attention to any proposal or design of an SDN controller. During the past few years …

[KNIHA][B] Managing and transforming water conflicts

JD Priscoli, AT Wolf - 2009 -
What is the one thing that no-one can do without? Water. Where water crosses boundaries-
be they economic, legal, political or cultural-the stage is set for disputes between different …

Estimating the benefits of efficient water pricing in France

S Garcia, A Reynaud - Resource and energy economics, 2004 - Elsevier
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the pricing of French water utilities. An econometric
model describing both water supply and demand is specified and estimated on utilities …

The impact of water and agriculture policy scenarios on irrigated farming systems in Italy: An analysis based on farm level multi-attribute linear programming models

F Bartolini, GM Bazzani, V Gallerani, M Raggi… - Agricultural systems, 2007 - Elsevier
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of agriculture and water policy
scenarios on the sustainability of selected irrigated farming systems in Italy, in the context of …

China: the south–north water transfer project—is it justified?

J Berkoff - Water policy, 2003 -
The South-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP), if fully developed, could divert 40-50
km3/yr from the Yangtse basin to the North China plain, alleviating water scarcity for 300 …

[KNIHA][B] Water privatisation: trans-national corporations and the re-regulation of the water industry

J Allouche, M Finger - 2001 -
Setting the scene with a thorough introduction to water resource issues, Water Privatisation
critically examines the new role played by Trans-National Corporations in managing and …