Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research
M Sarstedt, L Hopkins… - European business …, 2014 -
Purpose‐The authors aim to present partial least squares (PLS) as an evolving approach to
structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an …
structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an …
A literature review of the strategic decision-making context: A synthesis of previous mixed findings and an agenda for the way forward
* Alkaraan, F. & Northcott, D.(2006). Strategic capital investment decision-making: A role for
emergent analysis tools? A study of practice in large UK manufacturing companies. British …
emergent analysis tools? A study of practice in large UK manufacturing companies. British …
AHP, a reliable method for quality decision making: A case study in business
Decision making is a significant responsibility for business managers, their decisions
impacting business performance. Managers are therefore interested in acquiring and …
impacting business performance. Managers are therefore interested in acquiring and …
Green human resource practices and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: The roles of collective green crafting and environmentally specific …
TT Luu - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Green behavior among employees can contribute to the green performance of
organizations. Regardless of the salience of human resource (HR) practices in translating …
organizations. Regardless of the salience of human resource (HR) practices in translating …
Influence of organizational commitment on work–life balance and organizational performance of female construction professionals
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the mediating role of organisational
commitment in the relationship between work‒life balance (WLB) and organisational …
commitment in the relationship between work‒life balance (WLB) and organisational …
[HTML][HTML] Going with the gut: Exploring top management team intuition in strategic decision-making
Intuition plays a vital role in strategic decision-making, enabling executives to cut through
complexity and to navigate the information processing challenges posed by dynamic …
complexity and to navigate the information processing challenges posed by dynamic …
Strategic decision-making processes, international environmental munificence and the accelerated internationalization of SMEs
Motivated by the paucity of studies examining the effects of strategic decision-making
processes on accelerated internationalization, this study draws on the organizational …
processes on accelerated internationalization, this study draws on the organizational …
The implications of international entrepreneurial orientation, politicization, and hostility upon SME international performance
This article investigates the relationship between international entrepreneurial orientation
(IEO) and international performance taking into account the moderating effects of …
(IEO) and international performance taking into account the moderating effects of …
Measuring hotel performance using the balanced scorecard: A theoretical construct development and its empirical validation
A key contribution to the performance measurement literature was the introduction of the
balanced scorecard (BSC) in 1992. However, despite its appealing rationale in capturing …
balanced scorecard (BSC) in 1992. However, despite its appealing rationale in capturing …
The influence of family firm image on access to financial resources in family SMEs: a signaling theory perspective
This study investigates whether a projected family firm image can affect access to financial
resources, which is key to providing broader strategic options and meeting short-term …
resources, which is key to providing broader strategic options and meeting short-term …