[PDF][PDF] Digital corpora and other electronic resources for Maltese

A Gatt, S Čéplö - Lancaster, UK, 2013 - academia.edu
This paper describes the development and current status of digital corpora and other NLP
resources for Maltese. After an introduction which briefly examines the linguistic situation …

A computational grammar and lexicon for Maltese

JJ Camilleri - 2013 - odr.chalmers.se
Maltese is the national language of Malta and an official language of the European Union.
While classified as Semitic, Maltese has been heavily influenced by the Romance …

A computational morphological lexicon for Turkish: Trlex

O Aslan, S Gunal, BT Dincer - Lingua, 2018 - Elsevier
A morphological lexicon that is a computational source should be considered together with
derivational morphology especially for agglutinative languages. To the best of our …

Statistical analysis of the source origin of Maltese

R Bovingdon, A Dalli - Language and Computers, 2006 - brill.com
This paper presents the results of the first ever large-scale statistical analysis of Maltese
using the newly formed Maltilex Corpus. Traditional etymological and categorical analyses …

Text-to-speech technologies for mobile telephony services

PJ Farrugia - 2003 - um.edu.mt
Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems aim to transform arbitrary textual input into spoken output. At
first glance, this may seem a relatively simple task of determining the phonetic sounds of the …

European Language Equality (ELE)-report on the Maltese language

C Borg, M Rosner - 2022 - um.edu.mt
This report is an update to The Maltese Language in the Digital Age (Rosner and
Joachimsen, 2012b), a previous report that formed part of the META-NET White Paper …

Mlrs: a resource server for the maltese language

M Rosner, R Fabri, DP Attard, A Gatt - 2006 - um.edu.mt
This paper describes the aims, objectives and current achievements of MLRS (Maltese
Language Resource Server), a two-year RTDI project that has been running for just under …

Türkçe için gözetimsiz sözdizimsel belirsizlik giderme

Ö Aslan - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Doğal dillerde bir tümce, her biri farklı yapısal yorumlara karşılık gelen birden çok sözdizim
ağacı ile gösterilebilir. Bu durum sözdizimsel belirsizlik olarak adlandırılır. Sözdizimsel …

[PDF][PDF] Integrating annotated spoken Maltese data into corpora of written Maltese

A Vella, F Chetcuti, S Grech, M Spagnol - Editors & Workshop Chairs, 2010 - Citeseer
Spoken data features to a lesser extent in corpora available for languages than do written
data. This paper addresses this issue by presenting work carried out to date on the …

Electronic language resources for Maltese

M Rosner - Introducing Maltese Linguistics: Selected papers from …, 2009 - degruyter.com
University of Malta is article examines what is involved to create computer programs that are
enabled for the Maltese language. It begins with an examination of languageenablement in …