Drought and crop yield
Episodes of water shortage occur in most agricultural regions of the world. Their durations
and intensities increase, and their seasonal timing alters with changing climate. During the …
and intensities increase, and their seasonal timing alters with changing climate. During the …
Exogenously applied proline enhances growth and productivity of drought stressed onion by improving photosynthetic efficiency, water use efficiency and up …
Drought and salinity are the main limiting factors negatively affect plant growth and
productivity. Proline is recently reported to play a positive role in plants exposed to various …
productivity. Proline is recently reported to play a positive role in plants exposed to various …
Effects of water stress on processing tomatoes yield, quality and water use efficiency with plastic mulched drip irrigation in sandy soil of the Hetao Irrigation District
Processing tomatoes are major cash crops in the Hetao Irrigation District, Inner Mongolia,
China. Conventional irrigation practices have resulted in ecological and environmental …
China. Conventional irrigation practices have resulted in ecological and environmental …
Crop evapotranspiration, irrigation water requirement and water productivity of maize from meteorological data under semiarid climate
Under the semiarid climate of the Southwest United States, accurate estimation of crop water
use is important for water management and planning under conservation agriculture. The …
use is important for water management and planning under conservation agriculture. The …
Onion (Allium cepa L.) and Drought: Current Situation and Perspectives
Onions (Allium cepa L.) are the second most commonly produced and consumed vegetable
worldwide due to their economic, nutritional, and medicinal benefits. However, drought …
worldwide due to their economic, nutritional, and medicinal benefits. However, drought …
Improved water use efficiency and fruit quality of greenhouse crops under regulated deficit irrigation in northwest China
Water limit is the major bottleneck that restrains sustainable development of agriculture in
northwest China. In order to obtain higher water use efficiency (WUE) and improve fruit …
northwest China. In order to obtain higher water use efficiency (WUE) and improve fruit …
Evaluation on the responses of maize (Zea mays L.) growth, yield and water use efficiency to drip irrigation water under mulch condition in the Hetao irrigation District …
Abstract Hetao Irrigation District (HID) is characterized by less rainfall and high evaporative,
but it is a main grain production region in China. Increasing water use efficiency is an …
but it is a main grain production region in China. Increasing water use efficiency is an …
Rainfall partitioning into throughfall, stemflow and interception loss by maize canopy on the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China
Rainfall or sprinkler irrigation water partitioning by the crop canopy is an important way of
affecting the effective use of water by maize. To investigate the rainfall partitioning by maize …
affecting the effective use of water by maize. To investigate the rainfall partitioning by maize …
Effect of different levels of water, applied nitrogen and irrigation methods on yield, yield components and IWUE of onion
Different levels of water and nitrogen are considered to have significant effects on yields in
arid regions. This paper aims to reveal the effects of levels of water, nitrogen fertilizer and …
arid regions. This paper aims to reveal the effects of levels of water, nitrogen fertilizer and …
Responses of drip irrigated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield, quality and water productivity to various soil matric potential thresholds in an arid region of …
Considering the current water scarcity of Northwest China, aiming at sustainable agricultural
development in this region, it is required to identify and apply the most appropriate practices …
development in this region, it is required to identify and apply the most appropriate practices …