Looking for 'system integrity'in cognitive epidemiology
Background: In the last decade, an increasing body of empirical evidence has gathered to
establish an association between higher cognitive ability in youth and later mortality, less …
establish an association between higher cognitive ability in youth and later mortality, less …
A review of cognitive abilities in dogs, 1911 through 2016: more individual differences, please!
In this review, we pose and respond to three questions concerning canine cognition: How
has the history of this field influenced what we currently know about dog cognition? How …
has the history of this field influenced what we currently know about dog cognition? How …
Association of neurocognitive and physical function with gait speed in midlife
Importance Gait speed is a well-known indicator of risk of functional decline and mortality in
older adults, but little is known about the factors associated with gait speed earlier in life …
older adults, but little is known about the factors associated with gait speed earlier in life …
Obesity is linked with lower brain volume in 700 AD and MCI patients
Obesity is associated with lower brain volumes in cognitively normal elderly subjects, but no
study has yet investigated the effects of obesity on brain structure in patients with mild …
study has yet investigated the effects of obesity on brain structure in patients with mild …
Evolutionary models of leadership: Tests and synthesis
This study tested four theoretical models of leadership with data from the ethnographic
record. The first was a game-theoretical model of leadership in collective actions, in which …
record. The first was a game-theoretical model of leadership in collective actions, in which …
[HTML][HTML] Why is cognitive ability associated with psychological distress and wellbeing? Exploring psychological, biological, and social mechanisms
This study examined whether associations between cognitive ability and mental health
(depression, anxiety, and psychological wellbeing) could be accounted for by different …
(depression, anxiety, and psychological wellbeing) could be accounted for by different …
Advanced paternal age is associated with lower facial attractiveness
In view of disease risk, Kong et al.(2012) demonstrated that most of the new mutations are
explained by the age of the father at conception. Accordingly, paternal age effects have …
explained by the age of the father at conception. Accordingly, paternal age effects have …
Complex relationship between multiple measures of cognitive ability and male mating success in satin bowerbirds, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
Many animal species have complex cognitive abilities previously assumed to be limited to
humans. Explanations for how these abilities evolved have focused on ways in which …
humans. Explanations for how these abilities evolved have focused on ways in which …
Were the Victorians cleverer than us? The decline in general intelligence estimated from a meta-analysis of the slowing of simple reaction time
The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of
which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ …
which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ …
The cognitive differentiation-integration effort hypothesis: A synthesis between the fitness indicator and life history models of human intelligence
This article presents a potential synthesis between the fitness indicator and life history
models of human intelligence through consideration of the phenomena of ability …
models of human intelligence through consideration of the phenomena of ability …