[BOOK][B] Network analysis: methodological foundations
U Brandes - 2005 - books.google.com
'Network'is a heavily overloaded term, so that 'network analysis' means different things to
different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse …
different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse …
A multi-scale analysis of 27,000 urban street networks: Every US city, town, urbanized area, and Zillow neighborhood
G Boeing - Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
OpenStreetMap offers a valuable source of worldwide geospatial data useful to urban
researchers. This study uses the OSMnx software to automatically download and analyze …
researchers. This study uses the OSMnx software to automatically download and analyze …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of Nordhaus–Gaddum type relations
M Aouchiche, P Hansen - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2013 - Elsevier
In 1956, Nordhaus and Gaddum gave lower and upper bounds on the sum and the product
of the chromatic number of a graph and its complement, in terms of the order of the graph …
of the chromatic number of a graph and its complement, in terms of the order of the graph …
[HTML][HTML] Connectivity of Cartesian products of graphs
S Špacapan - Applied Mathematics Letters, 2008 - Elsevier
Connectivity of Cartesian products of graphs - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to
article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Help Search My account Sign in View PDF Download …
article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Help Search My account Sign in View PDF Download …
[HTML][HTML] Street network models and measures for every US City, county, urbanized area, census tract, and zillow-defined neighborhood
G Boeing - Urban Science, 2019 - mdpi.com
OpenStreetMap provides a valuable crowd-sourced database of raw geospatial data for
constructing models of urban street networks for scientific analysis. This paper reports …
constructing models of urban street networks for scientific analysis. This paper reports …
Role assignments
J Lerner - Network analysis: Methodological foundations, 2005 - Springer
Classification is the key to understand large and complex systems that are made up of many
individual parts. For example in the study of food webs (networks that consist of living …
individual parts. For example in the study of food webs (networks that consist of living …
[BOOK][B] Methods and measures for analyzing complex street networks and urban form
GD Boeing - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the science of networks. Much of this research
has been stimulated by advances in statistical physics and the study of complex systems …
has been stimulated by advances in statistical physics and the study of complex systems …
[PDF][PDF] The medium domination number of a graph
D Vargor, P Dundar - International Journal of pure and applied …, 2011 - academia.edu
In a communication network the resistance of network is the response to any disruption in
some of stations or lines. Vulnerability values measures the resistance of network in …
some of stations or lines. Vulnerability values measures the resistance of network in …
[HTML][HTML] The average connectivity of a digraph
MA Henning, OR Oellermann - Discrete applied mathematics, 2004 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider the concept of the average connectivity of a digraph D defined to
be the average, over all ordered pairs (u, v) of vertices of D, of the maximum number of …
be the average, over all ordered pairs (u, v) of vertices of D, of the maximum number of …
The average lower connectivity of graphs
E Aslan - Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
For a vertex v of a graph G, the lower connectivity, denoted by sv (G), is the smallest number
of vertices that contains v and those vertices whose deletion from G produces a …
of vertices that contains v and those vertices whose deletion from G produces a …