Mineral potential facing socio-economic development challenges: case study of the democratic republic of Congo, a 'geological scandal'
I Mufungizi - International Geology Review, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Despite its numerous mineral resources, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo)
finds itself ranked among the poorest nations in the world, which fuels the paradox of 'richer …
finds itself ranked among the poorest nations in the world, which fuels the paradox of 'richer …
[HTML][HTML] A review of the Intraplate Mafic Magmatic Record of the Greater Congo craton
During the last few decades, the interest in studying intraplate mafic events has increased
dramatically, mostly towards the events of Large Igneous Province (LIP) scale. These events …
dramatically, mostly towards the events of Large Igneous Province (LIP) scale. These events …
Eburnean/Trans-Amazonian orogeny in the Nyong complex of southwestern Cameroon: meta-basite geochemistry and metamorphic petrology
New and published geochemical, petrologic, and geo-thermobarometric data of meta-
basites were combined to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic …
basites were combined to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic …
A multi-analytical characterization of fourteenth to eighteenth century pottery from the Kongo kingdom, Central Africa
A Tsoupra, B Clist, M da Conceição Lopes, P Moita… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Pottery traditions reflect the socioeconomic framework of past cultures, while the spatial
distribution of pottery indicates exchange patterns and interaction processes. Material and …
distribution of pottery indicates exchange patterns and interaction processes. Material and …
Regional geochemical baseline concentration of potentially toxic trace metals in the mineralized Lom Basin, East Cameroon: a tool for contamination assessment
ME Mimba, T Ohba, SC Nguemhe Fils… - Geochemical …, 2018 - Springer
The distribution of trace metals in active stream sediments from the mineralized Lom Basin
has been evaluated. Fifty-five bottom sediments were collected and the mineralogical …
has been evaluated. Fifty-five bottom sediments were collected and the mineralogical …
U–Pb detrital zircon dates and source provenance analysis of Phanerozoic sequences of the Congo Basin, central Gondwana
B Linol, MJ de Wit, E Barton, MMJC de Wit… - Gondwana …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Congo Basin (CB) is the largest sediment sink of central Gondwana, built on a
mosaic of Precambrian crustal blocks amalgamated during the mid-Paleoproterozoic …
mosaic of Precambrian crustal blocks amalgamated during the mid-Paleoproterozoic …
[HTML][HTML] Control of inherited accreted lithospheric heterogeneity on the architecture and the low, long-term subsidence rate of intracratonic basins
P Perron, L Le Pourhiet, M Guiraud… - Bulletin de la …, 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Intracratonic basins tend to subside much longer than the timescale predicted by thermal
relaxation of the lithosphere. Many hypotheses have been suggested to explain their …
relaxation of the lithosphere. Many hypotheses have been suggested to explain their …
Three types of mantle eclogite from two layers of oceanic crust: a key case of metasomatically-aided transformation of low-to-high-magnesian eclogite
Reconstructed whole-rock (RWR) and mineral major-and trace-element compositions, as
well as new oxygen isotope data, for 22 mantle eclogite xenoliths from the Catoca pipe …
well as new oxygen isotope data, for 22 mantle eclogite xenoliths from the Catoca pipe …
Recognition and Prediction of Source Rocks of the Madingo Formation in the Lower Congo Basin
Y Yang, X Yang, W Shi, H Zhu, W Wang, H Kang… - Journal of Earth …, 2023 - Springer
We investigated the petrological and seismic properties of Madingo Formation, the high-
quality source rocks in the Madingo Formation in the Lower Congo Basin are highly …
quality source rocks in the Madingo Formation in the Lower Congo Basin are highly …
[HTML][HTML] A paleoplacer component to the gold hosted in meta-conglomeratic units of the Neoarchaean Moto Greenstone Belt, DRC
Abstract The giant Karagba-Chauffeur-Durba (KCD) gold deposit and its peripheral gold
satellite deposits are located within the Kibali gold district in the Neoarchaean Moto …
satellite deposits are located within the Kibali gold district in the Neoarchaean Moto …