A novel predictor-corrector hally technique for determining the parameters for nonlinear solar cell equation

S Shihab, M Rasheed, O Alabdali… - Journal of Physics …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper presents an iterative method Accelerated Predictor-Corrector Hally's Method
(AHM) for finding the voltage of a single-diode model for a solar cell from the equivalent …

The Analytic of image processing smoothing spaces using wavelet

AA Abdulrahman, M Rasheed… - Journal of Physics …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Image analysis took wide areas in many fields, including medicine, physics, and other areas
where you need a tool to deal with it smoothly and softly without losing the original image …

[PDF][PDF] Some Results on a Two Variables Pell Polynomials

MA Sarhan, S SHIHAB, M RASHEED - Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 2021 - iasj.net
New Pell polynomials in two dimensions together with many important properties are
presented in this work. The two dimensions Pell polynomials expansion coefficients of a first …

A Novel Spectral Modified Pell Polynomials for Solving Singular Differential Equations.

MA Sarhan, S Shihab… - Al-Mustansiriyah Journal …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
The mathematical formulations of many physical problems occurs in the various disciplines
such as quantum mechanics, fluid dynamic and elasticity [1-5], often lead to either nonlinear …

An Effective Color Image Detecting Method for Colorful and Physical Images

AH Ali, M RASHEED, S SHIHAB… - Journal of Al …, 2021 - jqcsm.qu.edu.iq
In this paper, an effective color detection technique is presented. Color detection techniques
are widely used in the image processing area, especially for measuring the amount of a …

[PDF][PDF] A Modified Heat Diffusion Based Method for Enhancing Physical Images

AH Ali, M RASHEED, S SHIHAB, T RASHID… - Journal of Al-Qadisiyah …, 2021 - iasj.net
In this paper, we present a new denoising technique based on a modification on the heat
equation. This method is mainly presented to enhance some physical images that were …

[PDF][PDF] A Novel Blurring and Sharpening Techniques Using Different Images Based on Heat Equations

AH Ali, M RASHEED, S SHIHAB, T RASHID… - Journal of Al-Qadisiyah …, 2021 - iasj.net
This paper is dedicated to show the practical part of the heat equation and its influence on
images from real-life. Examples of one dimension and two dimensions are given in this …

[PDF][PDF] Detection Face parts in image using Neural Network Based on MATLAB

SL Galib, FS Tahir, AA Abdulrahman - Engineering and Technology Journal, 2021 - iasj.net
In recent years, the field of face recognition has taken a wide area of research due to the
urgent need for security and commercial applications to demonstrate the interaction …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental Results for a Nonlinear Equation Using Improved Newton-Raphson Estimation Method

M RASHEED, S SHIHAB, T RASHID, YH Ali - Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for …, 2021 - iasj.net
In this paper, two algorithms for solving the nonlinear equation of the solar cell within single
diode model are proposed. These algorithms are plays an important and significant rule in …

[PDF][PDF] Comparison study between classic chord and inverse quadratic interpolation methods

M RASHEED, S SHIHAB, T RASHID… - Journal of Al-Qadisiyah …, 2021 - iasj.net
Many numerical approaches have been proposed for solving a non-linear equation (PV cell
model). In this paper, Inverse Quadratic Interpolation method using initial value x_0 is …