Ethereum Cryptocurrency Prediction using ML procedures on Recurrent Neural Network using LSTM Model
Forecasting the value of Ethereum (ETH) or any other cryptocurrency is a formidable
undertaking owing to the inherent volatility and speculative characteristics shown by these …
undertaking owing to the inherent volatility and speculative characteristics shown by these …
Predictive Human Resource Analytics for Classification of Salaries in the Field of Data Science
The rapid growth of big data has led to a lack of jobs in the field of data science, resulting in
a strong need for skilled experts to fill particular tasks in this domain. In order to get the …
a strong need for skilled experts to fill particular tasks in this domain. In order to get the …
CNN, LSTM, and Bi-LSTM based Self-Attention Model Classification for User Review Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis, often known as opinion mining, is a computational job within the field of
natural language processing (NLP) that entails the identification and classification of the …
natural language processing (NLP) that entails the identification and classification of the …
Predicting Life Expectancy using Machine Learning Approach through Linear Regression and Decision Tree Classification Techniques
Predicting someone's longevity requires looking at a broad variety of circumstances, making
it a difficult and multidimensional task. There are a number of important factors that must be …
it a difficult and multidimensional task. There are a number of important factors that must be …
Charting New Frontiers using Transfer Learning in OCT Image Analysis for Retinal Health
The project aims to address the pressing necessity of early-stage diagnosis of retinal
illnesses by the use of groundbreaking techniques in medical image processing. The study …
illnesses by the use of groundbreaking techniques in medical image processing. The study …
Sequential Model Utilization for Fruits Classification Using Optimized Deep Learning Methods on Adam Optimizer On Fine-Tuned Epochs
Fruit classification is the process of grou** various fruit species and variations according
to their distinctive traits, such as form, size, colour, texture, and other distinguishing …
to their distinctive traits, such as form, size, colour, texture, and other distinguishing …
Enhancing Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
M Beri, KS Gill, N Sharma - 2024 4th International Conference …, 2024 -
A major issue of concern in the financial sector, credit card fraud puts risks to financial
institutions as well as consumers. Machine learning methods have become rather …
institutions as well as consumers. Machine learning methods have become rather …
Predicting Stress Levels in Sleep Patterns using Machine Learning Models and a Smart Yoga Pillow
A Kumar, N Sharma, R Chauhan… - … and Informatics (IC3I …, 2024 -
This research endeavours to predict stress levels in sleep patterns through the innovative
utilization of a Smart Yoga Pillow (SaYoPillow) combined with machine learning models. In …
utilization of a Smart Yoga Pillow (SaYoPillow) combined with machine learning models. In …
Beyond Traditional Methods: Evaluating Advanced Machine Learning Models for Superior Fraud Detection
A Singh, KS Gill, M Kumar… - 2024 4th International …, 2024 -
The banking industry is increasingly concerned about credit card fraud due to its potential
risks to both consumers and financial institutions. In recent years, machine learning …
risks to both consumers and financial institutions. In recent years, machine learning …
[PDF][PDF] Predicting Progress: An In-Depth Study of Students' Academic Trajectories through Data Mining
AJM Hasmy, MBM Irshad - 2023 -
Accurately predicting students' academic trajectories is crucial for effective educational
interventions. This research introduces a comprehensive predictive model for understanding …
interventions. This research introduces a comprehensive predictive model for understanding …