[PDF][PDF] Influence of New Foliar Organic Fertilizers on the Yield and the Value-Added of Maize (Zea mays L.)
D YAKIMOV, L IVANOV - Cataloging-In-Publication Data, 2017 - researchgate.net
It was investigated the influence of the liquid organic fertilizers “Aminobest” and “Biobest” on
the growth, productivity and protein content of maize (Zea mays L.), hybrid LRS 1. The …
the growth, productivity and protein content of maize (Zea mays L.), hybrid LRS 1. The …
Production components of the cowpea under different doses of organic fertiliser
The bean plant has a very high demand for nutrients, and as it has a short cycle, requires
that the nutrients be readily available when needed, so as not to limit productivity. The use of …
that the nutrients be readily available when needed, so as not to limit productivity. The use of …
[PDF][PDF] Genotypic reaction of fodder beet to organic fertilization
S Enchev, G Kokindonov - Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the …, 2016 - researchgate.net
The fodder beet is a traditional source of fresh forage and the use of organic fertilizers
increases the possibilities of the ecological production. The effect of leaf treatment with a …
increases the possibilities of the ecological production. The effect of leaf treatment with a …
Influence of the biofertiliser Seasol on yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivated under organic agriculture conditions.
V Vlahova, V Popov - 2013 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The experiment was carried out in 2009-2011 on the certified organic farm of the
Agroecological Centre at the Agricultural University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria). The research aimed …
Agroecological Centre at the Agricultural University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria). The research aimed …
Effects of humatic fertilizer" Humustim", on the development of above ground parts and root system in production of vine planting material of cv Zornitsa.
G Dyakova, R Mincheva, S Stoyanova, D Marinova… - 2018 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The objective of the study was to monitor the effect of soil fertility maintaining by modern
means, as the influence of the humatic fertilizer" Humustim" on the production of vine …
means, as the influence of the humatic fertilizer" Humustim" on the production of vine …
Study on the influence of" Aminobest" organic fertilizer on the development of the above-ground parts and the root system in the production of vine planting material of …
G Dyakova, R Mincheva, S Stoyanova, D Marinova… - 2018 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The objective of the study was to monitor the effect of soil fertility maintaining by modern
means, as the influence of the organic fertilizer" Aminobest" on the production of vine plant …
means, as the influence of the organic fertilizer" Aminobest" on the production of vine plant …
Influence of liquid organic fertilizers' Aminobest'and'Ecosist-Arbanassi'on the yield and biometric indicators of'Stanley'plum cultivar.
M Pashev - 2018 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Abstract In the period 2015-2017, the yields and biometrics of plums of'Stanley'cultivar were
studied after soil and foliage treatment with the liquid organic fertilizers' …
studied after soil and foliage treatment with the liquid organic fertilizers' …
Effects of" BIO-ONE" bacterial fertilizer-liquid concentrate, on the development of above ground parts and root system in production of vine plant material of cv Muscat …
G Dyakova, R Mincheva, S Stoyanova, V Dochev - 2017 - cabidigitallibrary.org
In the field of viticulture, the main method for improving the agronomic soil characteristic, ie
to take measures to restore the qualities of agricultural land is via soil enriching with organic …
to take measures to restore the qualities of agricultural land is via soil enriching with organic …
Effects of organic products on the development of the above-ground part and the root system in the production of vine planting material of zornitsa variety.
G Dyakova, R Mincheva, S Stoyanova, D Marinova… - 2021 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The objective of the study was to follow the effects of" Humustim''and" Aminobest''organic
products on the production of vine planting material of Zornitsa dessert seedless variety. The …
products on the production of vine planting material of Zornitsa dessert seedless variety. The …
Development of the above-ground part and the root system under the influence of" Aminobest" organic fertilizer in the production of vine planting material of cv …
G Dyakova, R Mincheva, S Stoyanova - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The effects of the fertilization with" Aminobest" organic product on the production of vine
planting material were followed. The experiment was conducted during the period 2014 …
planting material were followed. The experiment was conducted during the period 2014 …