Overview: a phylogenetic backbone and taxonomic framework for procaryotic systematics

W Ludwig, HP Klenk - Bergey's manual® of systematic bacteriology, 2005 - Springer
Despite its relatively short history, microbial systematics has never been static but rather
constantly subject to change. The evidence of this change is provided by many …

ATP synthase: Evolution, energetics, and membrane interactions

JA Nirody, I Budin, P Rangamani - Journal of General Physiology, 2020 - rupress.org
The synthesis of ATP, life's “universal energy currency,” is the most prevalent chemical
reaction in biological systems and is responsible for fueling nearly all cellular processes …

ATP synthase evolution on a cross-braced dated tree of life

TA Mahendrarajah, ERR Moody, D Schrempf… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
The timing of early cellular evolution, from the divergence of Archaea and Bacteria to the
origin of eukaryotes, is poorly constrained. The ATP synthase complex is thought to have …

Genomic Minimalism in the Early Diverging Intestinal Parasite Giardia lamblia

HG Morrison, AG McArthur, FD Gillin, SB Aley… - Science, 2007 - science.org
The genome of the eukaryotic protist Giardia lamblia, an important human intestinal parasite,
is compact in structure and content, contains few introns or mitochondrial relics, and has …

A kingdom-level phylogeny of eukaryotes based on combined protein data

SL Baldauf, AJ Roger, I Wenk-Siefert, WF Doolittle - Science, 2000 - science.org
Current understanding of the higher order systematics of eukaryotes relies largely on
analyses of the small ribosomal subunit RNA (SSU rRNA). Independent testing of these …

The deep roots of eukaryotes

SL Baldauf - Science, 2003 - science.org
Most cultivated and characterized eukaryotes can be confidently assigned to one of eight
major groups. After a few false starts, we are beginning to resolve relationships among these …

[HTML][HTML] Eukaryotic V-ATPase: novel structural findings and functional insights

V Marshansky, JL Rubinstein, G Grüber - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta …, 2014 - Elsevier
The eukaryotic V-type adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) is a multi-subunit membrane
protein complex that is evolutionarily related to F-type adenosine triphosphate (ATP) …

Testate amoebae in the Neoproterozoic Era: evidence from vase-shaped microfossils in the Chuar Group, Grand Canyon

SM Porter, AH Knoll - Paleobiology, 2000 - cambridge.org
Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) occur globally in Neoproterozoic rocks, but until now their
biological relationships have remained problematic. Exceptionally preserved new …

Bioenergetics of the Archaea

G Schäfer, M Engelhard… - … and molecular biology …, 1999 - journals.asm.org
In the late 1970s, on the basis of rRNA phylogeny, Archaea (archaebacteria) was identified
as a distinct domain of life besides Bacteria (eubacteria) and Eucarya. Though forming a …

Next-generation phylogenomics

CX Chan, MA Ragan - Biology direct, 2013 - Springer
Thanks to advances in next-generation technologies, genome sequences are now being
generated at breadth (eg across environments) and depth (thousands of closely related …