The stress response in fish

SE Wendelaar Bonga - Physiological reviews, 1997 -
The stress response in teleost fish shows many similarities to that of the terrestrial
vertebrates. These concern the principal messengers of the brain-sympathetic-chromaffin …

The multifunctional fish gill: dominant site of gas exchange, osmoregulation, acid-base regulation, and excretion of nitrogenous waste

DH Evans, PM Piermarini, KP Choe - Physiological reviews, 2005 -
The fish gill is a multipurpose organ that, in addition to providing for aquatic gas exchange,
plays dominant roles in osmotic and ionic regulation, acid-base regulation, and excretion of …

Stress in fishes: a diversity of responses with particular reference to changes in circulating corticosteroids

BA Barton - Integrative and comparative biology, 2002 -
Physical, chemical and perceived stressors can all evoke non-specific responses in fish,
which are considered adaptive to enable the fish to cope with the disturbance and maintain …

The adrenergic stress response in fish: control of catecholamine storage and release

SG Reid, NJ Bernier, SF Perry - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology …, 1998 - Elsevier
In fish, the catecholamine hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into the
circulation, from chromaffin cells, during numerous 'stressful'situations. The physiological …

Physiological roles of tryptophan in teleosts: current knowledge and perspectives for future studies

SM Hoseini, A Pérez‐Jiménez, B Costas… - Reviews in …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid with a huge functional versatility, in addition to its
participation in protein synthesis. Because of the complexity of its metabolism, and the …

Physiological endpoints for potential SSRI interactions in fish

N Kreke, DR Dietrich - Critical reviews in toxicology, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are among the pharmaceutical compounds
frequently detected in sewage treatment plant effluents and surface waters, albeit at very low …

The CO2/pH ventilatory drive in fish

KM Gilmour - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A …, 2001 - Elsevier
That ventilation in fish is driven by O2 has long been accepted. The O2 ventilatory drive
reflects the much lower capacitance of water for O2 than for CO2, and is mediated by O2 …

The acute humoral adrenergic stress response in fish: facts and fiction

SF Perry, NJ Bernier - Aquaculture, 1999 - Elsevier
The goal of this review is to discuss and clarify some of the issues currently being debated
regarding the acute humoral adrenergic stress response in fish. The afferent limb of the …

Hematological and immunological responses in the African catfish Clarias gairepinus exposed to sublethal concentrations of herbicide Ronstar®

NS Oluah, IO Aguzie, NE Ekechukwu, JC Madu… - Ecotoxicology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of sublethal concentrations (0.3, 0.6 and
1.2 mg L− 1) of the herbicide Ronstar on the hematology and some immune parameters in …

Physiological and metabolic effects of a tryptophan-enriched diet to face up chronic stress in meagre (Argyrosomus regius)

M Herrera, L Fernández-Alacid, I Sanahuja, A Ibarz… - Aquaculture, 2020 - Elsevier
It is known that tryptophan (Trp) can attenuate the stress response in fish though its role in
chronic stress has been scarcely studied. In this work, the effects of a Trp-enriched diet on …