Thermal inactivation of microorganisms

J Smelt, S Brul - Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This paper serves as an overview of various aspects of thermal processing. Heat processing
of foods has a long history and is still one of the most important preservation methods. To …

Heat resistance and the effects of continuous pasteurization on the inactivation of Byssochlamys fulva ascospores in clarified apple juice

AS Sant'Ana, A Rosenthal… - Journal of Applied …, 2009 -
Aims: To determine thermal resistance, the effect of pasteurization temperature variations (c.
2° C) in a continuous system in the number of decimal reductions (n) of a Byssochlamys …

Impact of Low‐Temperature Plasmas on Deinococcusradiodurans and Biomolecules

R Mogul, AA Bolapos; shakov, SL Chan… - Biotechnology …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of cold plasma on Deinococcus radiodurans, plasmid DNA, and model proteins
were assessed using microbiological, spectrometric, and biochemical techniques. In low …

Critical notes on microbiological risk assessment of food

MW Reij, M Van Schothorst - Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2000 - SciELO Brasil
Although numerous papers on Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA) of food products
have been published, a number of issues related to it remain unresolved. This paper …

Assessment of the uncertainty in thermal food processing decisions based on microbial safety objectives

N Chotyakul, G Velazquez, JA Torres - Journal of Food Engineering, 2011 - Elsevier
Monte Carlo procedures can be used to evaluate the uncertainty of food safety and quality
estimations associated with the variability in the parameters for the calculation model used …

[HTML][HTML] Screening for Listeria monocytogenes surrogate strains applicable to food processing by ultrahigh pressure and pulsed electric field

JG Waite-Cusic, CHS Diono, AE Yousef - Journal of food protection, 2011 - Elsevier
Ultrahigh pressure (UHP) and pulsed electric field (PEF) are emerging processing
technologies developed to enhance the safety while maintaining the fresh-like quality of …

Effect of input data variability on estimations of the equivalent constant temperature time for microbial inactivation by HTST and retort thermal processing

D Salgado, JA Torres, J Welti‐Chanes… - Journal of food …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Consumer demand for food safety and quality improvements, combined with new
regulations, requires determining the processor's confidence level that processes lowering …

[PDF][PDF] Integration of statistics and food process engineering: Assessing the uncertainty of thermal processing and shelf-life estimations

JA Torres, N Chotyakul, G Velazquez… - Actas del VI Congreso …, 2010 -
In response to recent requirements in food regulations, new procedures are now necessary
to evaluate the impact of the variability in the parameters of food engineering models used …

Predicting heat process efficiency in thermal processes when bacterial inactivation is not log-linear

N Desriac, M Vergos, V Achberger, L Coroller… - International Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
The food industry widely uses the F-value which considers microbial log-linear inactivation,
while microbial heat inactivation may result in a non-log-linear inactivation pattern due to …

Expansion and Validation of a Predictive Model for the Growth of Bacillus Stearothermophilus in Military Rations

TM Ng, E Viard, ML Caipo, S Duffy… - Journal of food …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Predictive models for the exponential growth rate (EGR) and germination, outgrowth, and
lag times (GOL) of Bacillus stearothermophilus previously developed in our laboratory were …