Thermal inactivation of microorganisms
J Smelt, S Brul - Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This paper serves as an overview of various aspects of thermal processing. Heat processing
of foods has a long history and is still one of the most important preservation methods. To …
of foods has a long history and is still one of the most important preservation methods. To …
Heat resistance and the effects of continuous pasteurization on the inactivation of Byssochlamys fulva ascospores in clarified apple juice
Aims: To determine thermal resistance, the effect of pasteurization temperature variations (c.
2° C) in a continuous system in the number of decimal reductions (n) of a Byssochlamys …
2° C) in a continuous system in the number of decimal reductions (n) of a Byssochlamys …
Impact of Low‐Temperature Plasmas on Deinococcusradiodurans and Biomolecules
The effects of cold plasma on Deinococcus radiodurans, plasmid DNA, and model proteins
were assessed using microbiological, spectrometric, and biochemical techniques. In low …
were assessed using microbiological, spectrometric, and biochemical techniques. In low …
Critical notes on microbiological risk assessment of food
MW Reij, M Van Schothorst - Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2000 - SciELO Brasil
Although numerous papers on Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA) of food products
have been published, a number of issues related to it remain unresolved. This paper …
have been published, a number of issues related to it remain unresolved. This paper …
Assessment of the uncertainty in thermal food processing decisions based on microbial safety objectives
Monte Carlo procedures can be used to evaluate the uncertainty of food safety and quality
estimations associated with the variability in the parameters for the calculation model used …
estimations associated with the variability in the parameters for the calculation model used …
[HTML][HTML] Screening for Listeria monocytogenes surrogate strains applicable to food processing by ultrahigh pressure and pulsed electric field
Ultrahigh pressure (UHP) and pulsed electric field (PEF) are emerging processing
technologies developed to enhance the safety while maintaining the fresh-like quality of …
technologies developed to enhance the safety while maintaining the fresh-like quality of …
Effect of input data variability on estimations of the equivalent constant temperature time for microbial inactivation by HTST and retort thermal processing
Consumer demand for food safety and quality improvements, combined with new
regulations, requires determining the processor's confidence level that processes lowering …
regulations, requires determining the processor's confidence level that processes lowering …
[PDF][PDF] Integration of statistics and food process engineering: Assessing the uncertainty of thermal processing and shelf-life estimations
In response to recent requirements in food regulations, new procedures are now necessary
to evaluate the impact of the variability in the parameters of food engineering models used …
to evaluate the impact of the variability in the parameters of food engineering models used …
Predicting heat process efficiency in thermal processes when bacterial inactivation is not log-linear
The food industry widely uses the F-value which considers microbial log-linear inactivation,
while microbial heat inactivation may result in a non-log-linear inactivation pattern due to …
while microbial heat inactivation may result in a non-log-linear inactivation pattern due to …
Expansion and Validation of a Predictive Model for the Growth of Bacillus Stearothermophilus in Military Rations
TM Ng, E Viard, ML Caipo, S Duffy… - Journal of food …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Predictive models for the exponential growth rate (EGR) and germination, outgrowth, and
lag times (GOL) of Bacillus stearothermophilus previously developed in our laboratory were …
lag times (GOL) of Bacillus stearothermophilus previously developed in our laboratory were …