Relicts in the mist: Two new frog families, genera and species highlight the role of Pantepui as a biodiversity museum throughout the Cenozoic
The iconic mountains of the Pantepui biogeographical region host many early-diverging
endemic animal and plant lineages, concurring with Conan Doyle's novel about an ancient …
endemic animal and plant lineages, concurring with Conan Doyle's novel about an ancient …
Differential mitochondrial genome expression of four Hylid frog species under low-temperature stress and its relationship with Amphibian temperature adaptation
YH Hong, YN Yuan, K Li, KB Storey, JY Zhang… - International Journal of …, 2024 - mdpi.com
Extreme weather poses huge challenges for animals that must adapt to wide variations in
environmental temperature and, in many cases, it can lead to the local extirpation of …
environmental temperature and, in many cases, it can lead to the local extirpation of …
The role of rivers in the origin and future of Amazonian biodiversity
The rich biodiversity of Amazonia is shaped geographically and ecologically by its rivers and
their cycles of seasonal flooding. Anthropogenic effects, such as deforestation, infrastructure …
their cycles of seasonal flooding. Anthropogenic effects, such as deforestation, infrastructure …
Once upon a time: exploring the biogeographic history of the largest endemic lizard family in the Neotropics (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae)
JD Vásquez-Restrepo… - Biological Journal of …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Gymnophthalmids are a diverse lineage of Neotropical lizards that present challenges in the
understanding of their phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history. Using a …
understanding of their phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history. Using a …
The small and inconspicuous majority: Revealing the megadiversity and historical biogeography of the Pristimantis unistrigatus species group (Anura, Strabomantidae …
AT Mônico, ED Koch, M Ferrão, IY Fernandes… - Molecular Phylogenetics …, 2024 - Elsevier
With more than 600 recognized species, the genus Pristimantis is already the most diverse
among vertebrates, but described species only represent a fraction of the actual diversity in …
among vertebrates, but described species only represent a fraction of the actual diversity in …
Marine introgressions and Andean uplift have driven diversification in neotropical Monkey tree frogs (Anura, Phyllomedusinae)
The species richness in the Neotropics has been linked to environmental heterogeneity and
a complex geological history. We evaluated which biogeographic processes were …
a complex geological history. We evaluated which biogeographic processes were …
Species delimitation and phylogenetic analyses of a New Guinean frog genus (Microhylidae: Hylophorbus) reveal many undescribed species and a complex …
New Guinea is the largest tropical island in the world and hosts immense endemic
biodiversity. However, our understanding of how the gradual emergence of the terrestrial …
biodiversity. However, our understanding of how the gradual emergence of the terrestrial …
Lineage diversification of the Sky Island treefrog Scinax curicica (Anura, Hylidae) in the Espinhaço Mountain Range
Sky Islands present unique landscapes for organismal evolution because they comprise
high mountain peaks separated by low valleys with vastly different environmental conditions …
high mountain peaks separated by low valleys with vastly different environmental conditions …
A new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from white-sand forests of central Amazonia, Brazil
The white-sand ecosystems in the Solimões-Negro Interfluve are among the less studied in
Amazonia. Recent herpetological surveys conducted west of Manaus, Brazil (central …
Amazonia. Recent herpetological surveys conducted west of Manaus, Brazil (central …
Integrative species delimitation and biogeography of the Rhinella margaritifera species group (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) suggest an intense diversification …
The accumulation of studies delimiting species in Amazonia has not only shed light on the
patterns of its outstanding species richness but also allowed a better understanding of the …
patterns of its outstanding species richness but also allowed a better understanding of the …