Sensitivity and dynamic distance oracles via generic matrices and frobenius form
Algebraic techniques have had an important impact on graph algorithms so far. Porting
them, eg, the matrix inverse, into the dynamic regime improved best-known bounds for …
them, eg, the matrix inverse, into the dynamic regime improved best-known bounds for …
Constructing a Distance Sensitivity Oracle in Time
We continue the study of distance sensitivity oracles (DSOs). Given a directed graph $ G $
with $ n $ vertices and edge weights in $\{1, 2,\dots, M\} $, we want to build a data structure …
with $ n $ vertices and edge weights in $\{1, 2,\dots, M\} $, we want to build a data structure …
Optimal vertex fault tolerant spanners (for fixed stretch)
A k-spanner of a graph G is a sparse subgraph H whose shortest path distances match
those of G up to a multiplicative error k. In this paper we study spanners that are resistant to …
those of G up to a multiplicative error k. In this paper we study spanners that are resistant to …
Improved distance sensitivity oracles with subcubic preprocessing time
H Ren - Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of building distance sensitivity oracles (DSOs). Given a directed
graph G=(V, E) with edge weights in {1, 2,…, M}, we need to preprocess it into a data …
graph G=(V, E) with edge weights in {1, 2,…, M}, we need to preprocess it into a data …
Maintaining exact distances under multiple edge failures
We present the first compact distance oracle that tolerates multiple failures and maintains*
exact* distances. Given an undirected weighted graph G=(V, E) and an arbitrarily large …
exact* distances. Given an undirected weighted graph G=(V, E) and an arbitrarily large …
Space-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Diameter Oracles
We design $ f $-edge fault-tolerant diameter oracles ($ f $-FDOs). We preprocess a given
graph $ G $ on $ n $ vertices and $ m $ edges, and a positive integer $ f $, to construct a …
graph $ G $ on $ n $ vertices and $ m $ edges, and a positive integer $ f $, to construct a …
Approximate distance oracles subject to multiple vertex failures
Given an undirected graph G=(V, E) of n vertices and m edges with weights in [1, W], we
construct vertex sensitive distance oracles (VSDO), which are data structures that …
construct vertex sensitive distance oracles (VSDO), which are data structures that …
Deterministic sensitivity oracles for diameter, eccentricities and all pairs distances
We construct data structures for extremal and pairwise distances in directed graphs in the
presence of transient edge failures. Henzinger et al.[ITCS 2017] initiated the study of fault …
presence of transient edge failures. Henzinger et al.[ITCS 2017] initiated the study of fault …
Near-optimal deterministic single-source distance sensitivity oracles
Given a graph with a source vertex $ s $, the Single Source Replacement Paths (SSRP)
problem is to compute, for every vertex $ t $ and edge $ e $, the length $ d (s, t, e) $ of a …
problem is to compute, for every vertex $ t $ and edge $ e $, the length $ d (s, t, e) $ of a …
An improved algorithm for incremental DFS tree in undirected graphs
Depth first search (DFS) tree is one of the most well-known data structures for designing
efficient graph algorithms. Given an undirected graph $ G=(V, E) $ with $ n $ vertices and …
efficient graph algorithms. Given an undirected graph $ G=(V, E) $ with $ n $ vertices and …