Metallic contamination of global river sediments and latest developments for their remediation
This review article represents the comparative study of heavy metal concentration in water
and sediments of 43 important global rivers. The review is a solitary effort in the area of …
and sediments of 43 important global rivers. The review is a solitary effort in the area of …
Application of principal component analysis for the estimation of source of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from the Rybnik Reservoir
K Loska, D Wiechuła - Chemosphere, 2003 - Elsevier
The concentrations of metals, loss of ignition and nutrient (N, P) were determined in the
bottom sediments of the Rybnik Reservoir (southern Poland). The mean concentrations of …
bottom sediments of the Rybnik Reservoir (southern Poland). The mean concentrations of …
Heavy metals in marine sediments of Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, southern Italy)
Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn concentrations have been determined in surface
sediment samples collected in the Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) in order to …
sediment samples collected in the Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) in order to …
Multivariate statistical analysis of heavy metal concentration in soils of Yelagiri Hills, Tamilnadu, India–Spectroscopical approach
A Chandrasekaran, R Ravisankar… - … Acta Part A: Molecular …, 2015 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic activities increase the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil environment.
Soil pollution significantly reduces environmental quality and affects the human health. In …
Soil pollution significantly reduces environmental quality and affects the human health. In …
Heavy metals in sediments of Ganga River: up-and downstream urban influences
J Pandey, R Singh - Applied Water Science, 2017 - Springer
Bottom sediment in a river often acts as a sink and indicator of changes in water column and
magnitude of anthropogenic influences through air and watersheds. Heavy metal …
magnitude of anthropogenic influences through air and watersheds. Heavy metal …
Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: impact of industrial and urban discharges
The aim of this study was to assess the level of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Pb)
in water and sediments of Hindon River in industrialized city Ghaziabad, India. A total of 6 …
in water and sediments of Hindon River in industrialized city Ghaziabad, India. A total of 6 …
Heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments in a nearshore environment, Jurujuba Sound, Southeast Brazil
JAB Neto, BJ Smith, JJ McAllister - Environmental pollution, 2000 - Elsevier
Sixty-four surface sediment samples and seven cored samples were collected from the
partially closed bay of Jurujuba Sound, an inlet of Guanabara Bay in Southeast Brazil …
partially closed bay of Jurujuba Sound, an inlet of Guanabara Bay in Southeast Brazil …
Status of heavy metals in water and bed sediments of river Gomti–A tributary of the Ganga river, India
The concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc
in water and bed sediments of river Gomti have been studied in a fairly long stretch of 500 …
in water and bed sediments of river Gomti have been studied in a fairly long stretch of 500 …
An assessment of various potentially toxic elements and associated health risks in agricultural soil along the middle Gangetic basin, India
The present study analysed the levels of potentially toxic elements along with physico-
chemical properties of agricultural soil samples (n= 59) collected from fields situated along …
chemical properties of agricultural soil samples (n= 59) collected from fields situated along …
Temporal distribution, source apportionment, and pollution assessment of metals in the sediments of Beas river, India
Metal pollution in the fluvial sediments of the rivers has become a severe problem
throughout the world. Lower valleys with agricultural land are usually receiving diverse …
throughout the world. Lower valleys with agricultural land are usually receiving diverse …