[PDF][PDF] Implementation of an inquiry learning model with science literacy to improve student critical thinking skills

A Sutiani - International Journal of Instruction, 2021 - digilib.unimed.ac.id
The development of good learning resources on inquiry learning model with science literacy
as a strategy to facilitate active learning has become a trend in education. Critical thinking …

Develo** Innovative Chemistry Laboratory Workbook Integrated with Project-Based Learning and Character-Based Chemistry.

B Nainggolan, W Hutabarat, M Situmorang… - International Journal of …, 2020 - ERIC
The research was carried out through research and development to produce an innovative
chemistry laboratory workbook (InoChemLaW) followed by the implementation of the …

Implementation of Learning Innovations to Improve Teacher Competence in Professional Certificate Programs for In-Service Teachers

M Situmorang, S Gultom, A Mansyur, S Gultom… - International Journal of …, 2022 - e-iji.net
Abstract Teacher Professional Education is one of the education program to improve teacher
competence in getting professional teacher certificates. This study aims to implement …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of project-based learning innovation to develop students' critical thinking skills as a strategy to achieve analytical chemistry competencies

M Situmorang, M Sinaga, M Sitorus, A Sudrajat - chemistry, 2022 - archives.ijper.org
Background: The ability to think critically is one of the life skill targets that pharmacists and
scientists want to achieve in learning, therefore it is necessary to do project-based learning …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of an innovative learning resource with project to facilitate active learning to improve students' performance on chemistry

M Situmorang, J Purba, R Silaban - Indian Journal of …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Background: The provision of suitable and comprehensive learning resources concedes to
be an effective strategy to create a serviceable learning process to achieve the …

Action research with projects to facilitate students to study research and prepare research proposals during the Covid-19 pandemic

HN Situmorang, FTM Panggabean… - Educational Action …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Knowledge and skills in the field of research are key requirements for the successful
completion of studies for students, including prospective teachers. However, the outbreak of …

Development of project-based modules to improve learning outcomes, critical thinking and problem-solving skills

MLV Tampubolon, H Sipahutar - JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2024 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
In the 21 st century, students must have high knowledge and thinking skills which can be
achieved through learning activities. This study aimed to develop a Project-Based Module …

The development of project-based innovative learning resources for teaching organic analytical chemistry

DN Pakpahan, M Situmorang, M Sitorus… - 6th Annual …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
Abstract An Organic Analytical Chemistry course is very important for prospective chemists
because it builds competence in the analysis of organic compounds. This study aims to …

University Students' Perception of Indonesian Language Learning Innovation-Based Podcast

H Azkiya, I Husna, AS Madona… - AL-ISHLAH …, 2024 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
In the evolving landscape of digital education, integrating innovative tools into language
learning is crucial for enhancing student engagement and accessibility. This study examines …

The Development of Electronic Module Based on Scientific Literacy on Colloidal Topic

R Silaban, M Sitorus, FTM Panggabean… - … Journal of Computer …, 2022 - digilib.unimed.ac.id
This research is motivated by the problem of the lack of variety of teaching materials used
during the teaching and learning process in schools. The reason for this research is to …