Monte Carlo tests of renormalization-group predictions for critical phenomena in Ising models
K Binder, E Luijten - Physics Reports, 2001 - Elsevier
A critical review is given of status and perspectives of Monte Carlo simulations that address
bulk and interfacial phase transitions of ferromagnetic Ising models. First, some basic …
bulk and interfacial phase transitions of ferromagnetic Ising models. First, some basic …
Monte Carlo based techniques for quantum magnets with long-range interactions
P Adelhardt, JA Koziol, A Langheld, KP Schmidt - Entropy, 2024 - mdpi.com
Long-range interactions are relevant for a large variety of quantum systems in quantum
optics and condensed matter physics. In particular, the control of quantum–optical platforms …
optics and condensed matter physics. In particular, the control of quantum–optical platforms …
[BOK][B] Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics
K Binder, DW Heermann, K Binder - 1992 - Springer
Roughly at the time (1987) when the manuscript for the first three chapters of the present
book was completed, several breakthroughs occurred. They had a profound influence on the …
book was completed, several breakthroughs occurred. They had a profound influence on the …
[BOK][B] Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
J Gubernatis, N Kawashima, P Werner - 2016 - books.google.com
Featuring detailed explanations of the major algorithms used in quantum Monte Carlo
simulations, this is the first textbook of its kind to provide a pedagogical overview of the field …
simulations, this is the first textbook of its kind to provide a pedagogical overview of the field …
The loop algorithm
HG Evertz - Advances in Physics, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
A review of the loop algorithm, its generalizations, and its relation to some other Monte Carlo
techniques is given. The loop algorithm is a quantum Monte Carlo procedure that employs …
techniques is given. The loop algorithm is a quantum Monte Carlo procedure that employs …
Cluster Monte Carlo simulation of the transverse Ising model
HWJ Blöte, Y Deng - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
We formulate a cluster Monte Carlo method for the anisotropic limit of Ising models on (d+ 1)-
dimensional lattices, which in effect, are equivalent with d-dimensional quantum transverse …
dimensional lattices, which in effect, are equivalent with d-dimensional quantum transverse …
Classical critical behavior of spin models with long-range interactions
E Luijten, HWJ Blöte - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
We present the results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of Ising models with
algebraically decaying ferromagnetic interactions in the regime where classical critical …
algebraically decaying ferromagnetic interactions in the regime where classical critical …
Stochastic series expansion method for quantum Ising models with arbitrary interactions
AW Sandvik - Physical Review E, 2003 - APS
A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for the transverse Ising model with arbitrary short-or long-
range interactions is presented. The algorithm is based on sampling the diagonal matrix …
range interactions is presented. The algorithm is based on sampling the diagonal matrix …
Universality class of criticality in the restricted primitive model electrolyte
Abstract The 1: 1 equisized hard-sphere electrolyte or restricted primitive model has been
simulated via grand-canonical fine-discretization Monte Carlo. Newly devised unbiased …
simulated via grand-canonical fine-discretization Monte Carlo. Newly devised unbiased …
Relations between short-range and long-range Ising models
We perform a numerical study of the long-range (LR) ferromagnetic Ising model with power
law decaying interactions (J∝ r− d− σ) on both a one-dimensional chain (d= 1) and a square …
law decaying interactions (J∝ r− d− σ) on both a one-dimensional chain (d= 1) and a square …