Secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems
Correct-by-construction synthesis is a cornerstone of the confluence of formal methods and
control theory towards designing safety-critical systems. Instead of following the time-tested …
control theory towards designing safety-critical systems. Instead of following the time-tested …
Reachnn: Reachability analysis of neural-network controlled systems
Applying neural networks as controllers in dynamical systems has shown great promises.
However, it is critical yet challenging to verify the safety of such control systems with neural …
However, it is critical yet challenging to verify the safety of such control systems with neural …
Robust machine learning systems: Challenges, current trends, perspectives, and the road ahead
Currently, machine learning (ML) techniques are at the heart of smart cyber-physical
systems (CPSs) and Internet-of-Things (loT). This article discusses various challenges and …
systems (CPSs) and Internet-of-Things (loT). This article discusses various challenges and …
Formal verification of neural network controlled autonomous systems
In this paper, we consider the problem of formally verifying the safety of an autonomous
robot equipped with a Neural Network (NN) controller that processes LiDAR images to …
robot equipped with a Neural Network (NN) controller that processes LiDAR images to …
A roadmap toward the resilient internet of things for cyber-physical systems
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a ubiquitous system connecting many different devices-the
things-which can be accessed from the distance. The cyber-physical systems (CPSs) …
things-which can be accessed from the distance. The cyber-physical systems (CPSs) …
Reachable set estimation for neural network control systems: A simulation-guided approach
The vulnerability of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) against adversarial
disturbances and attacks significantly restricts their applicability in safety-critical systems …
disturbances and attacks significantly restricts their applicability in safety-critical systems …
Reluplex: a calculus for reasoning about deep neural networks
Deep neural networks have emerged as a widely used and effective means for tackling
complex, real-world problems. However, a major obstacle in applying them to safety-critical …
complex, real-world problems. However, a major obstacle in applying them to safety-critical …
Abstraction based output range analysis for neural networks
In this paper, we consider the problem of output range analysis for feed-forward neural
networks. The current approaches reduce the problem to satisfiability and optimization …
networks. The current approaches reduce the problem to satisfiability and optimization …
Guaranteeing safety for neural network-based aircraft collision avoidance systems
The decision logic for the ACAS X family of aircraft collision avoidance systems is
represented as a large numeric table. Due to storage constraints of certified avionics …
represented as a large numeric table. Due to storage constraints of certified avionics …
Gray-box adversarial testing for control systems with machine learning components
Neural Networks (NN) have been proposed in the past as an effective means for both
modeling and control of systems with very complex dynamics. However, despite the …
modeling and control of systems with very complex dynamics. However, despite the …