[КНИГА][B] Queer media in China

H Bao - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book examines different forms and practices of queer media, that is, the films, websites,
zines, and film festivals produced by, for, and about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and …

The emergent masculinities and gendered frustrations of male live-streamers in China

CKK Tan, T Liu, X Kong - Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Live-streamers in China are predominantly female and heterosexual, so their heterosexual
male counterparts barely receives attention. In this paper, we invoke the concept of …

“Business inquiries are welcome”: Sex influencers and the platformization of non-normative media on Twitter

S Wang, R Ding - Television & New Media, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
By attending to the case of queer men's sexual use of Twitter in China, this article analyzes
how mainstream platforms provide underrepresented groups with unique opportunities in …

'Sissy capital'and the governance of non-normative genders in China's platform economy

S Wang, H Bao - China Information, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines Chinese government censorship in the intersection between queer
and fan cultures and the government's regulation of big tech companies and platform …

[КНИГА][B] Queering Chinese kinship: Queer public culture in globalizing China

L Song - 2021 - books.google.com
What does it mean to be queer in a Confucian society in which kinship roles, ties, and
ideologies are of such great importance? This book makes sense of queer cultures in China …

Queer Chinese media and pop culture

JJ Zhao - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 2022 - oxfordre.com
Earlier generations of Western scholars often regarded nonheterosexual desires, identities,
and intimacies in Chinese-speaking contexts as marginalized, stigmatized, and silenced, if …

Safe on blued? A qualitative exploration of sex, risk, and stigma on a gay social application in China

M Wang - International Journal of Sexual Health, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction Mobile dating apps emerged with the development of technology, for example,
Blued in China, becoming a new risk field for gay men in the AIDS era. Users use social …

Webcam modelling in Korea: Censorship, pornography, and eroticism

MJ Lee - Porn studies, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The South Korean government enforces strict censorship against pornography.
In spite of such regulations, there is a vibrant webcam modelling industry in Korea that …

Constructing resistant gender identities on Chinese social media: A multimodal discourse analysis of Chinese male beauty vloggers' videos on Bilibili

L Li, X Wu - Discourse, Context & Media, 2025 - Elsevier
In recent years, digital and social media technologies have played an increasingly important
role in challenging traditional gender norms and promoting gender equality and more …

From Countryside to Cyberspace: The Cruel Optimism of Live Streaming for China's Rural Gay Men

TW Whyke, Z Wang, L Dean, AY Peng - Sexuality & Culture, 2023 - Springer
In this article, we explore the experiences of male rural Chinese gay live streamers who find
themselves at the mercy of “cruel optimism”. This notion, first introduced by Lauren Berlant …