HEC-RAS SIMULATION OF FLOOD MANAGEMENT IN SERUYAN RIVER: A Case Study of Mekar Indah Village, East Seruyan Hilir and UPT Tanggul Harapan …

I Zulianto, NS Yusuf, N Nomeritae… - … Wisesa: Journal of …, 2022 - journal.jfpublisher.com
In 2020 and 2021, there was a big flood in (Technical Implementation Unit) UPT Tanggul
Harapan, Pematang Limau Village, Seruyan Hilir District and Mekar Indah Village, Seruyan …

The Influence of Movable Dam Type Pneumatic Crets Gate to Reduce Peak Flood Discharge in Mati River

M Mudhina, INAP Winaya, IGLM Parwita… - … 2024 (ICoSTAS-EAS …, 2024 - atlantis-press.com
Mati River is one of the rivers in Bali that has experienced very rapid changes related to land
use in its watershed area. This change was triggered by the very rapid development of …

[CITATION][C] Identifikasi Variabel Berpengaruh dalam Mengurangi Risiko Banjir di Kelurahan Sungai **gah Kota Banjarmasin

NA Rif'ati, A Pamungkas - Jurnal Penataan Ruang, 2023