Enabling joint communication and radar sensing in mobile networks—A survey
Mobile network is evolving from a communication-only network towards one with joint
communication and radar/radio sensing (JCAS) capabilities, that we call perceptive mobile …
communication and radar/radio sensing (JCAS) capabilities, that we call perceptive mobile …
A survey on hybrid beamforming techniques in 5G: Architecture and system model perspectives
The increasing wireless data traffic demands have driven the need to explore suitable
spectrum regions for meeting the projected requirements. In the light of this, millimeter wave …
spectrum regions for meeting the projected requirements. In the light of this, millimeter wave …
The role of millimeter-wave technologies in 5G/6G wireless communications
Ever since the deployment of the first-generation of mobile telecommunications, wireless
communication technology has evolved at a dramatically fast pace over the past four …
communication technology has evolved at a dramatically fast pace over the past four …
Technologies trend towards 5G network for smart health-care using IoT: A review
Smart health-care is undergoing rapid transformation from the conventional specialist and
hospital-focused style to a distributed patient-focused manner. Several technological …
hospital-focused style to a distributed patient-focused manner. Several technological …
Millimeter-wave massive MIMO communication for future wireless systems: A survey
Several enabling technologies are being explored for the fifth-generation (5G) mobile
system era. The aim is to evolve a cellular network that remarkably pushes forward the limits …
system era. The aim is to evolve a cellular network that remarkably pushes forward the limits …
Multibeam antenna technologies for 5G wireless communications
With the demanding system requirements for the fifth-generation (5G) wireless
communications and the severe spectrum shortage at conventional cellular frequencies …
communications and the severe spectrum shortage at conventional cellular frequencies …
An overview of signal processing techniques for millimeter wave MIMO systems
Communication at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is defining a new era of wireless
communication. The mmWave band offers higher bandwidth communication channels …
communication. The mmWave band offers higher bandwidth communication channels …
Alternating minimization algorithms for hybrid precoding in millimeter wave MIMO systems
Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications has been regarded as a key enabling
technology for 5G networks, as it offers orders of magnitude greater spectrum than current …
technology for 5G networks, as it offers orders of magnitude greater spectrum than current …
Spatial-and frequency-wideband effects in millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems
When there are a large number of antennas in massive MIMO systems, the transmitted
wideband signal will be sensitive to the physical propagation delay of electromagnetic …
wideband signal will be sensitive to the physical propagation delay of electromagnetic …
Delay-phase precoding for wideband THz massive MIMO
Benefiting from tens of GHz of bandwidth, terahertz (THz) communication has become a
promising technology for future 6G network. To deal with the serious propagation loss of THz …
promising technology for future 6G network. To deal with the serious propagation loss of THz …