Faasm: Lightweight isolation for efficient stateful serverless computing
Serverless computing is an excellent fit for big data processing because it can scale quickly
and cheaply to thousands of parallel functions. Existing serverless platforms isolate …
and cheaply to thousands of parallel functions. Existing serverless platforms isolate …
Empowering web applications with webassembly: Are we there yet?
W Wang - 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
WebAssembly is the newest web standard. It defines a compact bytecode format that allows
it to be loaded and executed fast. While WebAssembly is generally believed to be faster than …
it to be loaded and executed fast. While WebAssembly is generally believed to be faster than …
Everything old is new again: Binary security of {WebAssembly}
WebAssembly is an increasingly popular compilation target designed to run code in
browsers and on other platforms safely and securely, by strictly separating code and data …
browsers and on other platforms safely and securely, by strictly separating code and data …
An empirical study of real-world webassembly binaries: Security, languages, use cases
WebAssembly has emerged as a low-level language for the web and beyond. Despite its
popularity in different domains, little is known about WebAssembly binaries that occur in the …
popularity in different domains, little is known about WebAssembly binaries that occur in the …
[HTML][HTML] WebAssembly and Security: a review
WebAssembly is revolutionizing the approach to develo** modern applications. Although
this technology was born to create portable and performant modules in web browsers …
this technology was born to create portable and performant modules in web browsers …
{EOSAFE}: security analysis of {EOSIO} smart contracts
The EOSIO blockchain, one of the representative Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS)
blockchain platforms, has grown rapidly recently. Meanwhile, a number of vulnerabilities …
blockchain platforms, has grown rapidly recently. Meanwhile, a number of vulnerabilities …
Exploring missed optimizations in webassembly optimizers
The prosperous trend of deploying complex applications to web browsers has boosted the
development of WebAssembly (wasm) compilation toolchains. Software written in different …
development of WebAssembly (wasm) compilation toolchains. Software written in different …
Wasai: uncovering vulnerabilities in wasm smart contracts
WebAssembly (Wasm) smart contracts have shown growing popularity across blockchains
(eg, EOSIO) recently. Similar to Ethereum smart contracts, Wasm smart contracts suffer from …
(eg, EOSIO) recently. Similar to Ethereum smart contracts, Wasm smart contracts suffer from …
Finding the dwarf: recovering precise types from WebAssembly binaries
The increasing popularity of WebAssembly creates a demand for understanding and reverse
engineering WebAssembly binaries. Recovering high-level function types is an important …
engineering WebAssembly binaries. Recovering high-level function types is an important …
An empirical study of bugs in webassembly compilers
WebAssembly is the newest programming language for the Web. It defines a portable
bytecode format for use as a compilation target for programs developed in high-level …
bytecode format for use as a compilation target for programs developed in high-level …