Crop wild relatives: A valuable source of tolerance to various abiotic stresses
Global climate change is one of the major constraints limiting plant growth, production, and
sustainability worldwide. Moreover, breeding efforts in the past years have focused on …
sustainability worldwide. Moreover, breeding efforts in the past years have focused on …
Crop landraces and indigenous varieties: A valuable source of genes for plant breeding
Landraces and indigenous varieties comprise valuable sources of crop species diversity.
Their utilization in plant breeding may lead to increased yield and enhanced quality traits, as …
Their utilization in plant breeding may lead to increased yield and enhanced quality traits, as …
Unraveling a genetic roadmap for improved taste in the domesticated apple
Although taste is an important aspect of fruit quality, an understanding of its genetic control
remains elusive in apple and other fruit crops. In this study, we conducted genomic …
remains elusive in apple and other fruit crops. In this study, we conducted genomic …
Breeding and genetics of disease resistance in temperate fruit trees: challenges and new opportunities
A Khan, SS Korban - Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022 - Springer
Climate change, large monocultures of disease-susceptible cultivars, overuse of pesticides,
and the emergence of new pathogens or pathogenic strains causing economic losses are all …
and the emergence of new pathogens or pathogenic strains causing economic losses are all …
Transposon insertions regulate genome‐wide allele‐specific expression and underpin flower colour variations in apple (Malus spp.)
Allele‐specific expression (ASE) can lead to phenotypic diversity and evolution. However,
the mechanisms regulating ASE are not well understood, particularly in woody perennial …
the mechanisms regulating ASE are not well understood, particularly in woody perennial …
Pseudo-chromosome–length genome assembly of a double haploid “Bartlett” pear (Pyrus communis L.)
Background We report an improved assembly and scaffolding of the European pear (Pyrus
communis L.) genome (referred to as BartlettDHv2. 0), obtained using a combination of …
communis L.) genome (referred to as BartlettDHv2. 0), obtained using a combination of …
High-quality, genome-wide SNP genotypic data for pedigreed germplasm of the diploid outbreeding species apple, peach, and sweet cherry through a common …
High-quality genotypic data is a requirement for many genetic analyses. For any crop, errors
in genotype calls, phasing of markers, linkage maps, pedigree records, and unnoticed …
in genotype calls, phasing of markers, linkage maps, pedigree records, and unnoticed …
A multifaceted overview of apple tree domestication
The apple is an iconic tree and a major fruit crop worldwide. It is also a model species for the
study of the evolutionary processes and genomic basis underlying the domestication of …
study of the evolutionary processes and genomic basis underlying the domestication of …
Quantitative traits of interest in apple breeding and their implications for selection
Apple breeding is a laborious and long-lasting process that requires qualified resources,
land, time, and funds. In this study, more than 5000 F1 apple hybrids from direct and …
land, time, and funds. In this study, more than 5000 F1 apple hybrids from direct and …
Molecular regulation of apple and grape ripening: exploring common and distinct transcriptional aspects of representative climacteric and non-climacteric fruits
Fleshy fruits of angiosperms are organs specialized for promoting seed dispersal by
attracting herbivores and enticing them to consume the organ and the seeds it contains …
attracting herbivores and enticing them to consume the organ and the seeds it contains …