The new era of high-throughput nanoelectrochemistry
To acquire a deeper understanding of electrochemical systems requires techniques that
address nanoscale aspects of electrochemistry, inter alia, the detection and analysis of …
address nanoscale aspects of electrochemistry, inter alia, the detection and analysis of …
Imaging photogenerated charge carriers on surfaces and interfaces of photocatalysts with surface photovoltage microscopy
Understanding photogenerated charge separation on the nano-to micrometer scale is the
key to optimizing the photocatalytic solar energy conversion efficiency. In the past few years …
key to optimizing the photocatalytic solar energy conversion efficiency. In the past few years …
Strong synergy between gold nanoparticles and cobalt porphyrin induces highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The reaction efficiency of reactants near plasmonic nanostructures can be enhanced
significantly because of plasmonic effects. Herein, we propose that the catalytic activity of …
significantly because of plasmonic effects. Herein, we propose that the catalytic activity of …
Direct imaging of single-molecule electrochemical reactions in solution
Chemical reactions tend to be conceptualized in terms of individual molecules transforming
into products, but are usually observed in experiments that probe the average behaviour of …
into products, but are usually observed in experiments that probe the average behaviour of …
Reactions in single-molecule junctions
Develo** new materials is a long-standing goal that extends across the fields of synthesis,
catalysis, nanotechnology and materials science. Transforming one compound or material …
catalysis, nanotechnology and materials science. Transforming one compound or material …
Entirely reversible photochromic glass with high coloration and luminescence contrast for 3D optical storage
H Zhao, Y Cun, X Bai, D **-Perry-2019.pdf" data-clk="hl=ro&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=9&d=18365723934899536275&ei=e-zGZ9-PMJuoieoPoZvUwQ4" data-clk-atid="k4GT7pwo4P4J" target="_blank">[PDF]
Nanoscale electrochemical map**
Surfaces and interfaces, of both practical and fundamental interest, have long been
recognized to be complex, yet while there are many microscopy and spectroscopy methods …
recognized to be complex, yet while there are many microscopy and spectroscopy methods …