Pollination ecosystem services: A comprehensive review of economic values, research funding and policy actions

RG Porto, RF De Almeida, O Cruz-Neto, M Tabarelli… - Food Security, 2020‏ - Springer
Economic valuation of crop pollination services, including potential monetary losses in
agricultural production induced by insufficient pollination, is a strategy to quantify the …

Economic value of regulating ecosystem services: a comprehensive at the global level review

M Balasubramanian - Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2019‏ - Springer
This study is the first meta-regression analysis of the economic value of regulating
ecosystem services at the global level. Most of the regulating ecosystem services have not …

A qualitative analysis of beekeepers' perceptions and farm management adaptations to the impact of climate change on honey bees

M Vercelli, S Novelli, P Ferrazzi, G Lentini, C Ferracini - Insects, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary This paper addresses climate change effects on honey bees and
beekee**, as observed by the beekeepers. Focus groups were used to identify the …

Acute and chronic ingestion of polyethylene (PE) microplastics has mild effects on honey bee health and cognition

P Balzani, G Galeotti, S Scheggi, A Masoni… - Environmental …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The massive use of plastic has contributed to huge quantities of hazardous refuse at a
global scale and represents one of the most prominent issues of the Anthropocene …

Chronic impairment of bumblebee natural foraging behaviour induced by sublethal pesticide exposure

RJ Gill, NE Raine - Functional Ecology, 2014‏ - Wiley Online Library
Insect pollination is a vital ecosystem service that maintains biodiversity and sustains
agricultural crop yields. Social bees are essential insect pollinators, so it is concerning that …

Protecting an ecosystem service: approaches to understanding and mitigating threats to wild insect pollinators

RJ Gill, KCR Baldock, MJF Brown, JE Cresswell… - Advances in ecological …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Insect pollination constitutes an ecosystem service of global importance, providing
significant economic and aesthetic benefits as well as cultural value to human society …

Coupling of pollination services and coffee suitability under climate change

P Imbach, E Fung, L Hannah… - Proceedings of the …, 2017‏ - pnas.org
Climate change will cause geographic range shifts for pollinators and major crops, with
global implications for food security and rural livelihoods. However, little is known about the …

Where is the value in valuing pollination ecosystem services to agriculture?

AP Melathopoulos, GC Cutler, P Tyedmers - Ecological Economics, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Current national and global scale monetary valuation of pollination services do not
accurately estimate the contribution of wild pollinators to agricultural production. First …

Net effects of birds in agroecosystems

L Pejchar, Y Clough, J Ekroos, KA Nicholas… - …, 2018‏ - academic.oup.com
Incorporating both ecosystem services and disservices into land-use decisions is essential
for meeting conservation and livelihood goals. We discuss the merits and challenges of this …

Protected area networks do not represent unseen biodiversity

Á Delso, J Fajardo, J Muñoz - Scientific Reports, 2021‏ - nature.com
Most existing protected area networks are biased to protect charismatic species or
landscapes. We hypothesized that conservation networks designed to include unseen …