Psicología del Aprendizaje Humano: Adquisición de conocimiento y cambio personal
JI Pozo - 2014 - torrossa.com
La Psicología del Aprendizaje Humano ha vivido desde sus orígenes una profunda escisión
tanto teórica como en sus ámbitos de intervención. Por un lado ha habido una tradición …
tanto teórica como en sus ámbitos de intervención. Por un lado ha habido una tradición …
Culturally responsive and meaningful music education: Multimodality, meaning-making, and communication in diverse learning contexts
Music is learned and taught in multiple ways dependent on the socio-cultural contexts in
which learning occurs. The processes employed by music teachers have been extensively …
which learning occurs. The processes employed by music teachers have been extensively …
[HTML][HTML] Promoting learning and interaction during choir rehearsal: A comparison of two conduction profiles
In a previous work, the implicit theories about the teaching-learning of music shown by 40
choir directors were studied through quantitative analysis. In this study, the practice of two of …
choir directors were studied through quantitative analysis. In this study, the practice of two of …
Listen to the tastemakers: Building an urban arts high school music curriculum
N Gage, B Low, FL Reyes - Research Studies in Music …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
In partnership with academics from McGill University and community arts partners, a high
school in Montreal faced with significant challenges became an “urban arts school,” offering …
school in Montreal faced with significant challenges became an “urban arts school,” offering …
Like teacher, like student? Conceptions of children from traditional and constructive teachers regarding the teaching and learning of string instruments
While many studies have considered the association between teachers' and students'
conceptions of teaching and learning and classroom practices, few studies have researched …
conceptions of teaching and learning and classroom practices, few studies have researched …
Map** the cultural elements that support and inhibit music teachers' sociomusical identities in Chile
Sociomusical identities determine the social positions of individuals based on traditions and
historical backgrounds, deriving from the reciprocal interchange of cultural elements within …
historical backgrounds, deriving from the reciprocal interchange of cultural elements within …
Comparison of beliefs about teaching and learning of emotional expression in music performance between Spanish and English HE students of music
C Bonastre, R Timmers - Psychology of Music, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Despite an increase in research on emotional expression in music and its teaching and
learning, little is known about the beliefs and conceptualizations that students hold …
learning, little is known about the beliefs and conceptualizations that students hold …
Patterns of variation in sociomusical identity of school-goers in a condition of social vulnerability and musical gaps in their education
Sociomusical identity pursues integrative goals, as it establishes bridges between musical
identities from a perspective based on transculturation and post-ethnicity. The current study …
identities from a perspective based on transculturation and post-ethnicity. The current study …
Function of private singing in instrumental music learning: A multiple case study of self-regulation and embodiment
The aim of this article is to explore a range of largely embodied vocalisations and sounds
produced by learners of string instruments and how they relate to the potential self …
produced by learners of string instruments and how they relate to the potential self …
Conceptions about teaching and learning of expressivity in music among Higher Education teachers and students
C Bonastre, E Muñoz, R Timmers - British Journal of Music Education, 2017 - cambridge.org
This work aimed to analyse factors related to conceptions and beliefs about expressivity in
music among students and teachers. A questionnaire with 11 Likert-type items was …
music among students and teachers. A questionnaire with 11 Likert-type items was …