Life-History Evolution and the Genetics of Fitness Components in Drosophila melanogaster

T Flatt - Genetics, 2020‏ -
Life-history traits or “fitness components”—such as age and size at maturity, fecundity and
fertility, age-specific rates of survival, and life span—are the major phenotypic determinants …

Turning food into eggs: insights from nutritional biology and developmental physiology of Drosophila

CK Mirth, AN Alves, MDW Piper - Current opinion in insect science, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Highlights•Nutrition regulates the rates of egg production.•Nutrients impact egg production
rates with differing dynamics.•Egg production rate is a function of rates of egg development.• …

Heritability is not evolvability

TF Hansen, C Pélabon, D Houle - Evolutionary Biology, 2011‏ - Springer
Short-term evolutionary potential depends on the additive genetic variance in the
population. The additive variance is often measured as heritability, the fraction of the total …


PS Schmidt, L Matzkin, M Ippolito, WF Eanes - Evolution, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
In Drosophila melanogaster, exposure of females to low temperature and shortened
photoperiod can induce the expression of reproductive quiescence or diapause. Diapause …

Combining map** and arraying: an approach to candidate gene identification

ML Wayne, LM McIntyre - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2002‏ -
A combination of quantitative trait locus (QTL) map** and microarray analysis was
developed and used to identify 34 candidate genes for ovariole number, a quantitative trait …

Sexually Antagonistic Cytonuclear Fitness Interactions in Drosophila melanogaster

DM Rand, AG Clark, LM Kann - Genetics, 2001‏ -
Theoretical and empirical studies have shown that selection cannot maintain a joint nuclear-
cytoplasmic polymorphism within a population except under restrictive conditions of …

Testing an 'aging gene' in long‐lived Drosophila strains: increased longevity depends on sex and genetic background

CC Spencer, CE Howell, AR Wright… - Aging cell, 2003‏ - Wiley Online Library
Molecular advances of the past decade have led to the discovery of a myriad of 'aging
genes'(methuselah, Indy, InR, Chico, superoxide dismutase) that extend Drosophila lifespan …

Repeated loss of variation in insect ovary morphology highlights the role of development in life-history evolution

SH Church, BAS de Medeiros… - … of the Royal …, 2021‏ -
The number of offspring an organism can produce is a key component of its evolutionary
fitness and life history. Here we perform a test of the hypothesized trade-off between the …

Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Phenotypic Plasticity and the Allometric Relationship of Ovariole Number and Thorax Length in Drosophila melanogaster

AO Bergland, A Genissel, SV Nuzhdin, M Tatar - Genetics, 2008‏ -
Environmental factors during juvenile growth such as temperature and nutrition have major
effects on adult morphology and life-history traits. In Drosophila melanogaster, ovary size …

Different mechanisms underlie phenotypic plasticity and interspecific variation for a reproductive character in drosophilids (Insecta: Diptera)

J Hodin, LM Riddiford - Evolution, 2000‏ - Wiley Online Library
The insect ovary is a modular structure, the functional unit of which is the ovariole. Ovariole
number is positively correlated with potential reproductive output. Among drosophilids …