[Књига][B] Introducing language and intercultural communication
J Jackson - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Introducing Language and Intercultural Communication is a lively and accessible
introduction for undergraduates who are new to the study of intercultural communication …
introduction for undergraduates who are new to the study of intercultural communication …
[Књига][B] Second language acquisition and lifelong learning
Language fundamentally defines and distinguishes us as humans, as members of society,
and as individuals. As we go through life, our relationship with language and with learning …
and as individuals. As we go through life, our relationship with language and with learning …
Intermarriage and integration revisited: International experiences and cross-disciplinary approaches
D Rodríguez-García - … ANNALS of the American Academy of …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Anthropologist Edmund Leach, in his discussion of caste and class systems, stated,“In a very
fundamental way, we all of us distinguish those who are of our kind from those who are not …
fundamental way, we all of us distinguish those who are of our kind from those who are not …
[Књига][B] Beyond loving: Intimate racework in lesbian, gay, and straight interracial relationships
AC Steinbugler - 2012 - books.google.com
Intimacy between blacks and whites in the United States is a crucial point of inquiry because
this color line has historically been the most rigorously surveilled and restricted. Because of …
this color line has historically been the most rigorously surveilled and restricted. Because of …
Intimate racism from one's partner in young intercultural couples
Racism from one's partner is a highly sensitive phenomenon that has received little research
attention. The current research introduces the concept of “intimate racism” to refer to racism …
attention. The current research introduces the concept of “intimate racism” to refer to racism …
[Књига][B] Imagined liberation: Xenophobia, citizenship and identity in South Africa, Germany and Canada
H Adam, K Moodley - 2015 - books.google.com
On a spectrum of hostility towards irregular migrants, South Africa ranks on top, Germany in
the middle and Canada at the bottom. South African xenophobic violence by impoverished …
the middle and Canada at the bottom. South African xenophobic violence by impoverished …
Preference and prejudice: Does intermarriage erode negative ethno-racial attitudes between groups in Spain?
D Rodríguez-García, M Solana-Solana… - …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper challenges the idea–rooted in classic assimilation theory–that intermarriage
clearly erodes social and ethno-racial boundaries and negative attitudes between groups …
clearly erodes social and ethno-racial boundaries and negative attitudes between groups …
Love better by fighting smarter: how intercultural couples develop dyadic cultural affinity through romantic conflict management
Guided by the conflict face-negotiation theory and the culturally based romantic relationship
model, this study employed in-depth interviews with twelve intercultural couples (n= 24) to …
model, this study employed in-depth interviews with twelve intercultural couples (n= 24) to …
[Књига][B] Interdependence: A postcolonial feminist practical theology
HR Kim-Cragg - 2018 - books.google.com
This book calls attention to an urgent need for postcolonial feminist approaches to practical
theology. It not only advocates for the inclusion of colonialism as a critical optic for practical …
theology. It not only advocates for the inclusion of colonialism as a critical optic for practical …
'It's almost like white supremacy': interracial mixed-status couples facing racist nativism
AM Schueths - Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This article expands the theoretical debate on racist nativism and the specific impact that it
has on the experiences of interracial mixed-status couples in the USA. In-depth interviews …
has on the experiences of interracial mixed-status couples in the USA. In-depth interviews …