[CARTE][B] Curves and surfaces for CAGD: a practical guide

G Farin - 2001 - books.google.com
This fifth edition has been fully updated to cover the many advances made in CAGD and
curve and surface theory since 1997, when the fourth edition appeared. Material has been …

[CARTE][B] Curves and surfaces for computer-aided geometric design: a practical guide

G Farin - 2014 - books.google.com
A leading expert in CAGD, Gerald Farin covers the representation, manipulation, and
evaluation of geometric shapes in this the Third Edition of Curves and Surfaces for …

Functional optimization for fair surface design

HP Moreton, CH Séquin - Acm Siggraph Computer Graphics, 1992 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents a simple-to-use mechanism for the creation of complex smoothly
shaped surfaces of any genus or topological type. The surfaces are specified through …

Deformable curve and surface finite-elements for free-form shape design

G Celniker, D Gossard - Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on …, 1991 - dl.acm.org
The finite element method is applied to generate primitives that build continuous deformable
shapes designed to support a new free-form modeling paradigm. The primitives …

[CARTE][B] Modeling of Curves and Surfaces in CAD/CAM

M Hosaka - 2012 - books.google.com
1 Aims and Features of This Book The contents of t. his book were originally planned t. o be
included in a book en titled Geometric lIIodeling and CAD/CAM to be written by M. Hosaka …

[PDF][PDF] Discrete fairing and variational subdivision for freeform surface design

LP Kobbelt - The Visual Computer, 2000 - Citeseer
The representation of free-form surfaces by sufficiently refined polygonal meshes has
become common in many geometric modeling applications where complicated objects have …

Variational design and fairing of spline surfaces

G Greiner - Computer Graphics Forum, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Variational principles have become quite popular in the design of free form surfaces. Among
others they are used for fairing purposes. The choice of the 'right'fairness functional is a …

[CARTE][B] Minimum curvature variation curves, networks, and surfaces for fair free-form shape design

HP Moreton - 1992 - search.proquest.com
Traditionally methods for the design of free-form curves and surfaces focus on achieving a
specific level of inter-element continuity. These methods use a combination of heuristics and …

Feature-driven viewpoint placement for model-based surface inspection

D Mosbach, P Gospodnetić, M Rauhut… - Machine Vision and …, 2021 - Springer
The goal of visual surface inspection is to analyze an object's surface and detect defects by
looking at it from different angles. Developments over the past years have made it possible …

Energy and B-spline interproximation

X Wang, FF Cheng, BA Barsky - Computer-Aided Design, 1997 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study B-spline curve interproximation with different energy forms and
parametrization techniques, and present an interproximation scheme for B-spline surfaces. It …