Relationships among net primary productivity, nutrients and climate in tropical rain forest: a pan‐tropical analysis

CC Cleveland, AR Townsend, P Taylor… - Ecology …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 939–947 Abstract Tropical rain forests play a dominant role in
global biosphere‐atmosphere CO2 exchange. Although climate and nutrient availability …

Visible and invisible effects of hurricanes on forest ecosystems: an international review

AE Lugo - Austral Ecology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Hurricanes have visible and invisible effects on forests. The visible effects are dramatic,
noticeable over the short‐term and relatively well documented in the literature. Invisible …

What can we learn from resource pulses

LH Yang, JL Bastow, KO Spence, AN Wright - Ecology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
An increasing number of studies in a wide range of natural systems have investigated how
pulses of resource availability influence ecological processes at individual, population, and …

Variability of above-ground litter inputs alters soil physicochemical and biological processes: a meta-analysis of litterfall-manipulation experiments

S Xu, LL Liu, EJ Sayer - Biogeosciences, 2013 -
Global change has been shown to alter the amount of above-ground litter inputs to soil
greatly, which could cause substantial cascading effects on below-ground biogeochemical …

Biogeochemical implications of labile phosphorus in forest soils determined by the Hedley fractionation procedure

AH Johnson, J Frizano, DR Vann - Oecologia, 2003 - Springer
Forest ecologists and biogeochemists have used a variety of extraction techniques to assess
labile vs. non-labile soil P pools in chronosequences, the balance between biological vs …

Iron reduction and soil phosphorus solubilization in humid tropical forests soils: the roles of labile carbon pools and an electron shuttle compound

N Chacon, WL Silver, EA Dubinsky, DF Cusack - Biogeochemistry, 2006 - Springer
The affinity of iron oxides and hydroxides for phosphorus is thought to contribute to
phosphorus limitation to net primary productivity in humid tropical forests on acidic, highly …

[HTML][HTML] Variability of aboveground litter inputs alters soil carbon and nitrogen in a coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest of Central China

R Miao, J Ma, Y Liu, Y Liu, Z Yang, M Guo - Forests, 2019 -
Global changes and human disturbances can strongly affect the quantity of aboveground
litter entering soils, which could result in substantial cascading effects on soil …

Heterotrophic respiration in disturbed forests: A review with examples from North America

ME Harmon, B Bond‐Lamberty, J Tang… - Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Heterotrophic respiration (RH) is a major process releasing carbon to the atmosphere and is
essential to understanding carbon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems. Here we review what …

Abiotic and biotic drivers of seedling survival in a hurricane‐impacted tropical forest

LS Comita, M Uriarte, J Thompson… - Journal of …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Many forests experience periodic, large‐scale disturbances, such as hurricanes and
cyclones, which open the forest canopy, causing dramatic changes in understorey light …

Typhoon disturbance and forest dynamics: lessons from a northwest Pacific subtropical forest

TC Lin, SP Hamburg, KC Lin, LJ Wang, CT Chang… - Ecosystems, 2011 - Springer
Strong tropical storms are known to affect forest structure, composition, and nutrient cycles in
both tropical and temperate regions, although our understanding of these effects …