A review of river herring science in support of species conservation and ecosystem restoration
River herring—a collective name for the Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus and Blueback
Herring A. aestivalis—play a crucial role in freshwater and marine ecosystems along the …
Herring A. aestivalis—play a crucial role in freshwater and marine ecosystems along the …
Microbial electrochemical system: an emerging technology for remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil and sediments
Worldwide industrialization and other human activities have led to a frightening stage of
release of hazardous, highly persistent, toxic, insoluble, strongly adsorbed to the soil and …
release of hazardous, highly persistent, toxic, insoluble, strongly adsorbed to the soil and …
[HTML][HTML] Energy development and production in the Great Plains: Implications and mitigation opportunities
Energy is an integral part of society. The major US energy sources of fossil fuels (coal, oil,
natural gas); biofuels (ethanol); and wind are concentrated in grassland ecosystems of the …
natural gas); biofuels (ethanol); and wind are concentrated in grassland ecosystems of the …
How misapplication of the hydrologic unit framework diminishes the meaning of watersheds
JM Omernik, GE Griffith, RM Hughes, JB Glover… - Environmental …, 2017 - Springer
Hydrologic units provide a convenient but problematic nationwide set of geographic
polygons based on subjectively determined subdivisions of land surface areas at several …
polygons based on subjectively determined subdivisions of land surface areas at several …
Geochemical and geophysical indicators of oil and gas wastewater can trace potential exposure pathways following releases to surface waters
Releases of oil and gas (OG) wastewaters can have complex effects on stream-water quality
and downstream organisms, due to sediment-water interactions and groundwater/surface …
and downstream organisms, due to sediment-water interactions and groundwater/surface …
Understanding and mitigating impacts of unconventional oil and gas development on land-use and ecosystem services in the US
Unconventional oil and gas development has expanded dramatically in the United States
during the last 15 years. This change in the energy industry has developed, modified, and …
during the last 15 years. This change in the energy industry has developed, modified, and …
Shale gas development has limited effects on stream biology and geochemistry in a gradient-based, multiparameter study in Pennsylvania
The number of horizontally drilled shale oil and gas wells in the United States has increased
from nearly 28,000 in 2007 to nearly 127,000 in 2017, and research has suggested the …
from nearly 28,000 in 2007 to nearly 127,000 in 2017, and research has suggested the …
Response of aquatic bacterial communities to hydraulic fracturing in northwestern Pennsylvania: a five-year study
Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing extraction procedures have become increasingly
present in Pennsylvania where the Marcellus Shale play is largely located. The potential for …
present in Pennsylvania where the Marcellus Shale play is largely located. The potential for …
An approach for evaluating changes in land-use from energy sprawl and other anthropogenic activities with implications for biotic resource management
BD Wolaver, JP Pierre, BJ Labay, TJ LaDuc… - Environmental Earth …, 2018 - Springer
This study presents a novel approach for evaluating land-use changes caused by energy
development and other anthropogenic activities. We illustrate this technique by assessing …
development and other anthropogenic activities. We illustrate this technique by assessing …
A detailed risk assessment of shale gas development on headwater streams in the Pennsylvania portion of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, USA
The development of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) involves infrastructure development
(well pads, roads and pipelines), well drilling and stimulation (hydraulic fracturing), and …
(well pads, roads and pipelines), well drilling and stimulation (hydraulic fracturing), and …