An overview of MULTIMOORA for multi-criteria decision-making: Theory, developments, applications, and challenges

A Hafezalkotob, A Hafezalkotob, H Liao, F Herrera - Information Fusion, 2019 - Elsevier
MULTIMOORA is a useful multi-criteria decision-making technique. The output of the
MULTIMOORA is a ranking obtained by aggregating the results of the ternary ranking …

Fuzzy decision support methodology for sustainable energy crop selection

L Balezentiene, D Streimikiene, T Balezentis - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2013 - Elsevier
Both strategic and environmental factors make biomass an important energy source and
element of sustainable energy policy. The establishment of a reasonable energy crop-mix …

[HTML][HTML] The combination of expert judgment and GIS-MAIRCA analysis for the selection of sites for ammunition depots

L Gigović, D Pamučar, Z Bajić, M Milićević - Sustainability, 2016 -
This paper suggests spatial multi-criteria model in order to assist decision makers in the
selection of sites which are suitable for ammunition depots (AD). They represent military …

Double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set and MULTIMOORA method: A case of study to evaluate the implementation status of haze controlling measures

X Gou, H Liao, Z Xu, F Herrera - Information Fusion, 2017 - Elsevier
In recent years, hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets (HFLTSs) have been studied by many
scholars and are becoming gradually mature. However, some shortcomings of HFLTS also …

The comparative analysis of MCDA methods SAW and COPRAS

V Podvezko - Engineering Economics, 2011 -
In recent years, ąuantitative multicriteria methods have been widely used for comparative
evaluation of complicated technological and social-economic processes, as well as for …

Interval type 2-based hybrid fuzzy evaluation of financial services in E7 economies with DEMATEL-ANP and MOORA methods

H Dinçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez - Applied Soft Computing, 2019 - Elsevier
The financial services are key instrument for the right evolution of economy, mainly in the
emerging countries. Therefore, the evaluation of the financial services is crucial for the …

Personnel selection based on computing with words and fuzzy MULTIMOORA

A Baležentis, T Baležentis, WKM Brauers - Expert Systems with …, 2012 - Elsevier
Personnel selection process is aimed at choosing the best candidate to fill the defined
vacancy in a company. It determines the input quality of personnel and thus plays an …

[PDF][PDF] New hybrid multi-criteria decision-making DEMATELMAIRCA model: sustainable selection of a location for the development of multimodal logistics centre

DS Pamucar, S Pejcic Tarle… - Economic research …, 2018 -
The paper describes the application of a new multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model,
MultiAtributive Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis (MAIRCA), used to select a location for the …

Balanced scorecard based performance measurement of European airlines using a hybrid multicriteria decision making approach under the fuzzy environment

H Dinçer, Ü Hacıoğlu, S Yüksel - Journal of Air Transport Management, 2017 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the European airlines, using a
balanced scorecard perspective. Within this scope, a hybrid multi-criteria approach was …

The multi-objective decision making methods based on MULTIMOORA and MOOSRA for the laptop selection problem

E Aytaç Adalı, A Tuş Işık - Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2017 - Springer
A decision making process requires the values of conflicting objectives for alternatives and
the selection of the best alternative according to the needs of decision makers. Multi …