How does market orientation contribute to service firm performance? An examination of alternative mechanisms
This study utilises the inter‐relationship between market orientation and innovation in order
to examine alternative mechanisms through which market orientation contributes to service …
to examine alternative mechanisms through which market orientation contributes to service …
Guest editorial: market orientation and service firm performance–a research agenda
BJ Gray, GJ Hooley - European Journal of marketing, 2002 -
The service sector is an increasingly important source of job creation and economic wealth,
and accounts for more than 75 per cent of the GDP of many developed economies. Yet there …
and accounts for more than 75 per cent of the GDP of many developed economies. Yet there …
Total quality management, market orientation and hotel performance: The moderating effects of external environmental factors
CH Wang, KY Chen, SC Chen - International journal of hospitality …, 2012 - Elsevier
With the market competition of hotel industry being heated, it is critical that hotels have a
breadth of resource and more flexible forms to meet the needs of a changing marketplace. In …
breadth of resource and more flexible forms to meet the needs of a changing marketplace. In …
A meta-analysis of the relationship between market orientation and business performance: evidence from five continents
Market orientation has emerged as a significant antecedent of performance and is presumed
to contribute to long-term success. To investigate the impact of this predictor, a meta …
to contribute to long-term success. To investigate the impact of this predictor, a meta …
Innovative capability, innovation strategy and market orientation: an empirical analysis in Turkish software industry
Innovation could be recognised as a key success factor in an increasingly competitive,
global economy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations among market …
global economy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations among market …
Market orientation and the new product paradox
The extant literature shows that the strength of the market orientation–performance
relationship decays as the terminal measure of performance shifts from new product success …
relationship decays as the terminal measure of performance shifts from new product success …
Internal-market orientation and its measurement
SP Gounaris - Journal of business research, 2006 - Elsevier
The 1970s introduced internal marketing (IM) as a solution for the companies that sought to
offer superior customer service. After 30 years though, IM practice remains limited, probably …
offer superior customer service. After 30 years though, IM practice remains limited, probably …
Market orientation and performance: A meta‐analysis and cross‐national comparisons
PD Ellis - Journal of Management studies, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
abstract Quantitative evidence drawn from a meta‐analysis of 56 studies (58 samples)
conducted in 28 countries reveals that market orientation is a generic determinant of firm …
conducted in 28 countries reveals that market orientation is a generic determinant of firm …
The role of service innovation in the market orientation—new service performance linkage
CC Cheng, D Krumwiede - Technovation, 2012 - Elsevier
While most academics generally agree that innovation plays the mediating role between
market orientation and new product/service performance, relatively little research has …
market orientation and new product/service performance, relatively little research has …
The effect of market orientation on buyer–seller relationship satisfaction
In recent years, much of the Marketing scientific community's interest has been dedicated to
the study of the market orientation concept. Numerous works, which are centered on the …
the study of the market orientation concept. Numerous works, which are centered on the …