Person tracking and following with 2d laser scanners
Having accurate knowledge of the positions of people around a robot provides rich,
objective and quantitative data that can be highly useful for a wide range of tasks, including …
objective and quantitative data that can be highly useful for a wide range of tasks, including …
[PDF][PDF] Person identification using skeleton information from kinect
In recent past the need for ubiquitous people identification has increased with the
proliferation of humanrobot interaction systems. In this paper we propose a methodology of …
proliferation of humanrobot interaction systems. In this paper we propose a methodology of …
Tracking people in a mobile robot from 2d lidar scans using full convolutional neural networks for security in cluttered environments
Tracking people has many applications, such as security or safe use of robots. Many
onboard systems are based on Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors …
onboard systems are based on Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors …
[HTML][HTML] Human–robot–environment interaction interface for smart walker assisted gait: AGoRA walker
The constant growth of the population with mobility impairments has led to the development
of several gait assistance devices. Among these, smart walkers have emerged to provide …
of several gait assistance devices. Among these, smart walkers have emerged to provide …
The human-following strategy for mobile robots in mixed environments
N Van Toan, M Do Hoang, PB Khoi, SY Yi - Robotics and Autonomous …, 2023 - Elsevier
The robot behavior strategy is considered as a crucial part in the human-following task to
help the robot maintain an appropriate distance and orientation to the selected target person …
help the robot maintain an appropriate distance and orientation to the selected target person …
A gait recognition method for human following in service robots
In this paper, we propose a gait recognition method for service robots to conduct human
following tasks. A walking sequence segmentation method is designed to extract the …
following tasks. A walking sequence segmentation method is designed to extract the …
Robot-centric perception of human groups
The robotics community continually strives to create robots that are deployable in real-world
environments. Often, robots are expected to interact with human groups. To achieve this …
environments. Often, robots are expected to interact with human groups. To achieve this …
[HTML][HTML] People detection and tracking using LIDAR sensors
The tracking of people is an indispensable capacity in almost any robotic application. A
relevant case is the@ home robotic competitions, where the service robots have to …
relevant case is the@ home robotic competitions, where the service robots have to …
Person-following algorithm based on laser range finder and monocular camera data fusion for a wheeled autonomous mobile robot
Reliable human following is one of the key capabilities of service and personal assisting
robots. This paper presents a novel person tracking and following approach for autonomous …
robots. This paper presents a novel person tracking and following approach for autonomous …
Laser rangefinder and monocular camera data fusion for human-following algorithm by PMB-2 mobile robot in simulated Gazebo environment
The paper presents a human-following algorithm for an autonomous mobile robot, which is
equipped with a 2D laser rangefinder (LRF) and a monocular camera. As a rule, quality of a …
equipped with a 2D laser rangefinder (LRF) and a monocular camera. As a rule, quality of a …