Automatic removal of cardiac interference (ARCI): A new approach for EEG data
EEG recordings are generally affected by interference from physiological and non-
physiological sources which may obscure underlying brain activity and hinder effective EEG …
physiological sources which may obscure underlying brain activity and hinder effective EEG …
Effective removal of eye-blink artifacts in EEG signals with semantic segmentation
Artifacts in electroencephalography (EEG) signals have negative effects on the analysis of
the EEG signals. Although a number of techniques were developed to remove artifacts, new …
the EEG signals. Although a number of techniques were developed to remove artifacts, new …
Multivariate data analytics to identify driver's sleepiness, cognitive load, and stress
S Barua - 2019 -
Driving a vehicle in a dynamic traffic environment requires continuous adaptation of a
complex manifold of physiological and cognitive activities. Impaired driving due to, for …
complex manifold of physiological and cognitive activities. Impaired driving due to, for …
EEG artifact detection and removal techniques: A brief review
S Behera, MN Mohanty - Computational Techniques in Neuroscience -
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the representation of brain activity. It is a non-invasive
technique to collect relevant data without causing any damage to the human subject. At the …
technique to collect relevant data without causing any damage to the human subject. At the …
Brain disorders and diseases affect 1 in 6 people worldwide and in many cases result in a
condition that profusely impacts the life of patient. Mental health topics surge as 1 in 10 …
condition that profusely impacts the life of patient. Mental health topics surge as 1 in 10 …
EEG sinyallerindeki ekg gürültüsünün faz karşılaşması ve yavaş dalganın tespitine etkisinin incelenmesi
S Yıldırım - 2021 -
Elektroensefalografi (EEG), beyin tarafından üretilen elektriksel aktivitelerin, invaziv (acısız)
olmayan bir şekilde elde edilmesine ve görüntülenmesine izin veren bir tekniktir. Bu teknik …
olmayan bir şekilde elde edilmesine ve görüntülenmesine izin veren bir tekniktir. Bu teknik …