Model predictive control: Recent developments and future promise
DQ Mayne - Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper recalls a few past achievements in Model Predictive Control, gives an overview
of some current developments and suggests a few avenues for future research.
of some current developments and suggests a few avenues for future research.
Model predictive control in aerospace systems: Current state and opportunities
CONTROLLER design is more troublesome in aerospace systems due to, inter alia, diversity
of mission platforms, convoluted nonlinear dynamics, predominantly strict mission and …
of mission platforms, convoluted nonlinear dynamics, predominantly strict mission and …
Data-driven safety filters: Hamilton-jacobi reachability, control barrier functions, and predictive methods for uncertain systems
Today's control engineering problems exhibit an unprecedented complexity, with examples
including the reliable integration of renewable energy sources into power grids, safe …
including the reliable integration of renewable energy sources into power grids, safe …
Learning an approximate model predictive controller with guarantees
A supervised learning framework is proposed to approximate a model predictive controller
(MPC) with reduced computational complexity and guarantees on stability and constraint …
(MPC) with reduced computational complexity and guarantees on stability and constraint …
The potential of knowing more: A review of data-driven urban water management
The promise of collecting and utilizing large amounts of data has never been greater in the
history of urban water management (UWM). This paper reviews several data-driven …
history of urban water management (UWM). This paper reviews several data-driven …
[КНИГА][B] Constrained model predictive control
EF Camacho, C Bordons, EF Camacho, C Bordons - 2007 - Springer
The control problem was formulated in the previous chapters considering all signals to
possess an unlimited range. This is not very realistic because in practice all processes are …
possess an unlimited range. This is not very realistic because in practice all processes are …
A computationally efficient robust model predictive control framework for uncertain nonlinear systems
In this article, we present a nonlinear robust model predictive control (MPC) framework for
general (state and input dependent) disturbances. This approach uses an online …
general (state and input dependent) disturbances. This approach uses an online …
Architectures for distributed and hierarchical model predictive control–a review
R Scattolini - Journal of process control, 2009 - Elsevier
The aim of this paper is to review and to propose a classification of a number of
decentralized, distributed and hierarchical control architectures for large scale systems …
decentralized, distributed and hierarchical control architectures for large scale systems …
Optimization over state feedback policies for robust control with constraints
This paper is concerned with the optimal control of linear discrete-time systems subject to
unknown but bounded state disturbances and mixed polytopic constraints on the state and …
unknown but bounded state disturbances and mixed polytopic constraints on the state and …
Robust MPC for tracking constrained unicycle robots with additive disturbances
Two robust model predictive control (MPC) schemes are proposed for tracking unicycle
robots with input constraint and bounded disturbances: tube-MPC and nominal robust MPC …
robots with input constraint and bounded disturbances: tube-MPC and nominal robust MPC …