[Књига][B] Intonational phonology

DR Ladd - 2008 - books.google.com
This second edition presents a completely revised overview of research on intonational
phonology since the 1970s, including new material on research developments since the mid …

[Књига][B] Intonation and prosodic structure

C Féry - 2016 - books.google.com
This book provides a state-of-the-art survey of intonation and prosodic structure. Taking a
phonological perspective, it shows how morpho-syntactic constituents are mapped to …

Thinking probabilistically in the study of intonational speech prosody

C Kurumada, TB Roettger - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Speech prosody, the melodic and rhythmic properties of a language, plays a critical role in
our everyday communication. Researchers have identified unique patterns of prosody that …

[PDF][PDF] The phonetics-phonology interface

J Kingston - The Cambridge handbook of phonology, 2007 - researchgate.net
Phonetics interfaces with phonology in three ways. First, phonetics defines distinctive
features. Second, phonetics explains many phonological patterns. These two interfaces …

Phonetics and phonology of thematic contrast in German

B Braun - Language and speech, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
It is acknowledged that contrast plays an important role in understanding discourse and
information structure. While it is commonly assumed that contrast can be marked by …

Inter-transcriber reliability for two systems of prosodic annotation: ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) and RaP (Rhythm and Pitch)

M Breen, LC Dilley, J Kraemer… - Corpus linguistics and …, 2012 - degruyter.com
Speech researchers often rely on human annotation of prosody to generate data to test
hypotheses and generate models. We present an overview of two prosodic annotation …

Structural and dialectal effects on pitch peak alignment in two varieties of British English

DR Ladd, A Schepman, L White, LM Quarmby… - Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
We report three experiments, based on test sentences read aloud, on the influence of
sentence position and phonological vowel length on the alignment of accent-related f0 …

A minimal dynamical model of Intonation: Tone contrast, alignment, and scaling of American English pitch accents as emergent properties

K Iskarous, J Cole, J Steffman - Journal of Phonetics, 2024 - Elsevier
The pitch accent system of Mainstream American English (MAE) is one of the most well-
studied phenomena within the Autosegmental-Metrical (AM) approach to intonation. In this …

The phonetics and phonology of tonal systems

LC Dilley - 2005 - dspace.mit.edu
Pitch variations are used in different languages in a variety of communicative ways, from
cueing lexical item identity to conveying meaning through phrasing and accentuation …

Acoustic correlates and perceptual cues of word and sentence stress

VJ Van Heuven - The study of word stress and accent: Theories …, 2018 - books.google.com
The languages in the world can be divided roughly into two types of wordprosodic systems.
One type, probably a minority, has tone. 1 A tone language uses different pitches or …