[Књига][B] Intonational phonology
DR Ladd - 2008 - books.google.com
This second edition presents a completely revised overview of research on intonational
phonology since the 1970s, including new material on research developments since the mid …
phonology since the 1970s, including new material on research developments since the mid …
[Књига][B] Intonation and prosodic structure
C Féry - 2016 - books.google.com
This book provides a state-of-the-art survey of intonation and prosodic structure. Taking a
phonological perspective, it shows how morpho-syntactic constituents are mapped to …
phonological perspective, it shows how morpho-syntactic constituents are mapped to …
Thinking probabilistically in the study of intonational speech prosody
Speech prosody, the melodic and rhythmic properties of a language, plays a critical role in
our everyday communication. Researchers have identified unique patterns of prosody that …
our everyday communication. Researchers have identified unique patterns of prosody that …
[PDF][PDF] The phonetics-phonology interface
J Kingston - The Cambridge handbook of phonology, 2007 - researchgate.net
Phonetics interfaces with phonology in three ways. First, phonetics defines distinctive
features. Second, phonetics explains many phonological patterns. These two interfaces …
features. Second, phonetics explains many phonological patterns. These two interfaces …
Phonetics and phonology of thematic contrast in German
B Braun - Language and speech, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
It is acknowledged that contrast plays an important role in understanding discourse and
information structure. While it is commonly assumed that contrast can be marked by …
information structure. While it is commonly assumed that contrast can be marked by …
Inter-transcriber reliability for two systems of prosodic annotation: ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) and RaP (Rhythm and Pitch)
Speech researchers often rely on human annotation of prosody to generate data to test
hypotheses and generate models. We present an overview of two prosodic annotation …
hypotheses and generate models. We present an overview of two prosodic annotation …
Structural and dialectal effects on pitch peak alignment in two varieties of British English
We report three experiments, based on test sentences read aloud, on the influence of
sentence position and phonological vowel length on the alignment of accent-related f0 …
sentence position and phonological vowel length on the alignment of accent-related f0 …
A minimal dynamical model of Intonation: Tone contrast, alignment, and scaling of American English pitch accents as emergent properties
The pitch accent system of Mainstream American English (MAE) is one of the most well-
studied phenomena within the Autosegmental-Metrical (AM) approach to intonation. In this …
studied phenomena within the Autosegmental-Metrical (AM) approach to intonation. In this …
The phonetics and phonology of tonal systems
LC Dilley - 2005 - dspace.mit.edu
Pitch variations are used in different languages in a variety of communicative ways, from
cueing lexical item identity to conveying meaning through phrasing and accentuation …
cueing lexical item identity to conveying meaning through phrasing and accentuation …
Acoustic correlates and perceptual cues of word and sentence stress
VJ Van Heuven - The study of word stress and accent: Theories …, 2018 - books.google.com
The languages in the world can be divided roughly into two types of wordprosodic systems.
One type, probably a minority, has tone. 1 A tone language uses different pitches or …
One type, probably a minority, has tone. 1 A tone language uses different pitches or …