Multi-criteria decision-making methods application in supply chain management: A systematic literature review
Over the last decade, a large number of research papers, certified courses, professional
development programs and scientific conferences have addressed supply chain …
development programs and scientific conferences have addressed supply chain …
A novel hybrid MCDM model based on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy VIKOR for city logistics concept selection
City logistics (CL) tends to increase efficiency and mitigate the negative effects of logistics
processes and activities and at the same time to support the sustainable development of …
processes and activities and at the same time to support the sustainable development of …
Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: evidence, implications and new suggestions
Cities, characterised by scarce resources and facing increasing citizens' requests for more
liveable and attractive environments, need to define and implement more efficient urban …
liveable and attractive environments, need to define and implement more efficient urban …
[HTML][HTML] Dry port terminal location selection by applying the hybrid grey MCDM model
Globalization and decentralization of production generate the intensive growth of goods and
transport flows, mostly performed by the maritime transport. Ports, as the main nodes in the …
transport flows, mostly performed by the maritime transport. Ports, as the main nodes in the …
Smart material handling solutions for city logistics systems
Globalization, the growth of the world population, urbanization and the growth of the volume
of the flow of goods have generated numerous problems in city logistics (CL). The …
of the flow of goods have generated numerous problems in city logistics (CL). The …
Performance evaluation of railway infrastructure managers: A novel hybrid fuzzy MCDM model
Modern challenges such as the liberalization of the railway sector and growing demands for
sustainability, high-quality services, and user satisfaction set new standards in railway …
sustainability, high-quality services, and user satisfaction set new standards in railway …
A knowledge-based system for overall supply chain performance evaluation: a multi-criteria decision making approach
Purpose Existing supply chain (SC) performance models are not able to cope with the
potential of intensive SC digitalisation and establish a relationship between decisions and …
potential of intensive SC digitalisation and establish a relationship between decisions and …
Evaluation of smart city logistics solutions
Sažetak The negative effects of goods flows realisation are most visible in urban areas as
the places of the greatest concentration of economic and social activities. The main goals of …
the places of the greatest concentration of economic and social activities. The main goals of …
Intermodal transport terminal location selection using a novel hybrid MCDM model
Intermodal Transport (IT) allows savings in energy, time and costs, improves the quality of
services and supports sustainable development of the transport system. In order to make IT …
services and supports sustainable development of the transport system. In order to make IT …
Assessment of the political city logistics initiatives sustainability
City is the place of the largest concentration of economic and social activities, and goods
delivery is a prerequisite for maintaining the urban life and business activities that …
delivery is a prerequisite for maintaining the urban life and business activities that …