Prediction markets: An extended literature review
G Tziralis, I Tatsiopoulos - The journal of prediction markets, 2007 - ubplj.org
This paper presents an attempt to study and monitor the evolution of research on prediction
markets (PM). It provides an extended literature review and classification scheme. The …
markets (PM). It provides an extended literature review and classification scheme. The …
Predicting the future with social media
In recent years, social media has become ubiquitous and important for social networking
and content sharing. And yet, the content that is generated from these websites remains …
and content sharing. And yet, the content that is generated from these websites remains …
Prediction markets
We analyze the extent to which simple markets can be used to aggregate disperse
information into efficient forecasts of uncertain future events. Drawing together data from a …
information into efficient forecasts of uncertain future events. Drawing together data from a …
Experimental auctions
Economists, psychologists, and marketers are interested in determining the monetary value
people place on non-market goods for a variety of reasons: to carry out cost-benefit analysis …
people place on non-market goods for a variety of reasons: to carry out cost-benefit analysis …
The power of prediction with social media
Purpose–Social media provide an impressive amount of data about users and their
interactions, thereby offering computer and social scientists, economists, and statisticians …
interactions, thereby offering computer and social scientists, economists, and statisticians …
Combinatorial information market design
R Hanson - Information Systems Frontiers, 2003 - Springer
Abstract Information markets are markets created to aggregate information. Such markets
usually estimate a probability distribution over the values of certain variables, via bets on …
usually estimate a probability distribution over the values of certain variables, via bets on …
Logarithmic markets coring rules for modular combinatorial information aggregation
R Hanson - The Journal of Prediction Markets, 2007 - ubplj.org
In practice, scoring rules elicit good probability estimates from individuals, while betting
markets elicit good consensus estimates from groups. Market scoring rules combine these …
markets elicit good consensus estimates from groups. Market scoring rules combine these …
Prediction markets: Does money matter?
The accuracy of prediction markets has been documented both for markets based on real
money and those based on play money. To test how much extra accuracy can be obtained …
money and those based on play money. To test how much extra accuracy can be obtained …
The limits of forecasting methods in anticipating rare events
In this paper we review methods that aim to aid the anticipation of rare, high-impact, events.
We evaluate these methods according to their ability to yield well-calibrated probabilities or …
We evaluate these methods according to their ability to yield well-calibrated probabilities or …
Public sentiment analysis in Twitter data for prediction of a company's stock price movements
There has recently been some effort to mine social media for public sentiment analysis.
Studies have suggested that public emotions shown through Tweeter may well be correlated …
Studies have suggested that public emotions shown through Tweeter may well be correlated …