Register: Language users' knowledge of situational-functional variation
A Lüdeling, A Alexiadou, A Adli, K Donhauser… - 2022 -
The Collaborative Research Center 1412 “Register: Language Users' Knowledge of
Situational-Functional Variation”(CRC 1412) investigates the role of register in language …
Situational-Functional Variation”(CRC 1412) investigates the role of register in language …
The interaction of grammatically distinct agreement dependencies in predictive processing
Previous research has found that comprehenders sometimes predict information that is
grammatically unlicensed by sentence constraints. An open question is why such …
grammatically unlicensed by sentence constraints. An open question is why such …
Ditransitive structures in child language acquisition: An investigation of production and comprehension in children aged five to seven
AL Scherger, JM Kizilirmak… - Journal of Child …, 2023 -
The aim of the present study was to investigate the acquisition of ditransitive structures
beyond production. We conducted an elicitation task (production) and a picture-sentence …
beyond production. We conducted an elicitation task (production) and a picture-sentence …
Connecting input to comprehension: First language acquisition of active transitives and suffixal passives by Korean-speaking preschool children
GH Shin - 2020 -
A central issue in language acquisition is the contribution of input to the development of
linguistic knowledge. In this dissertation project, I investigate the developmental trajectories …
linguistic knowledge. In this dissertation project, I investigate the developmental trajectories …
Predictive language processing in late bilinguals: Evidence from visual-world eye-tracking
J Schlenter - 2019 -
The current thesis examined how second language (L2) speakers of German predict
upcoming input during language processing. Early research has shown that the predictive …
upcoming input during language processing. Early research has shown that the predictive …
The roles of givenness and type of referring expression in the comprehension of word order in Russian-speaking children
A Sauermann, N Gagarina - Linguistics Vanguard, 2018 -
Comprehension of sentences in the non-canonical word order usually poses problems for
preschoolers (eg, Slobin, Dan I. and Thomas G. Bever. 1982. Children use canonical …
preschoolers (eg, Slobin, Dan I. and Thomas G. Bever. 1982. Children use canonical …
Embedded NP error in German object relative clause comprehension: A case for a universal developmental pathway
J Edeleva - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2023 -
We report the results of an eye-tracking study investigating German children's
comprehension of subject relative clauses (SRC) and object relative clauses (ORC) with …
comprehension of subject relative clauses (SRC) and object relative clauses (ORC) with …
The Influence of Prosody and Case Marking on Thematic Role Assignment inAmbiguous Action Scenes: Adults versus Children
JM Kröger, K Münster, P Knoeferle - … of the Annual Meeting of the …, 2017 -
In two visual word eye tracking studies, we investigated theinfluence of prosody and case
marking on children's andadults' thematic role assignment. We assigned an SVO/OVS …
marking on children's andadults' thematic role assignment. We assigned an SVO/OVS …
[HTML][HTML] Eye tracking during visually situated language comprehension: flexibility and limitations in uncovering visual context effects
CR Ronderos, K Münster… - JoVE (Journal …, 2018 - …
The present work is a description and an assessment of a methodology designed to quantify
different aspects of the interaction between language processing and the perception of the …
different aspects of the interaction between language processing and the perception of the …
Gender dissimilarity between subject and object facilitates online-comprehension of agent–patient–relations in German: An eye-tracking study with 6-to 10-year-old …
A Buersgens, J Cholewa, A Mayer, T Guenther - Lingua, 2021 - Elsevier
In this eye-tracking study, we examined whether gender dissimilarity between the case-
marked subject and object noun phrases in a subject-verb-object (SVO) or object-verb …
marked subject and object noun phrases in a subject-verb-object (SVO) or object-verb …