[HTML][HTML] The role of plant growth-promoting bacteria in alleviating the adverse effects of drought on plants
Simple Summary Among abiotic stress factors, drought is one of the most detrimental factors
in arid and semiarid regions, causing a significant decrease in plant growth and yield in …
in arid and semiarid regions, causing a significant decrease in plant growth and yield in …
[KNIHA][B] Plant microbiomes for sustainable agriculture: current research and future challenges
AN Yadav - 2020 - Springer
The plant microbiomes play important role in plant growth promotion and soil fertility for
sustainable agriculture. Plant and soil are valuable natural resource harbouring hotspots of …
sustainable agriculture. Plant and soil are valuable natural resource harbouring hotspots of …
Biodiversity, current developments and potential biotechnological applications of phosphorus-solubilizing and-mobilizing microbes: a review
As one of the most important and essential macronutrients next to nitrogen, phosphorus (P)
is important for plant development, but it is the least mobile nutrient element in plant and soil …
is important for plant development, but it is the least mobile nutrient element in plant and soil …
Endophytic microbes: biodiversity, plant growth-promoting mechanisms and potential applications for agricultural sustainability
Endophytic microbes are known to live asymptomatically inside their host throughout
different stages of their life cycle and play crucial roles in the growth, development, fitness …
different stages of their life cycle and play crucial roles in the growth, development, fitness …
Microbial biopesticides: current status and advancement for sustainable agriculture and environment
Global increase in the population and degradation of environment possess a challenge to
crop production worldwide and it is a need of hour to find solutions for abiotic stress, pests …
crop production worldwide and it is a need of hour to find solutions for abiotic stress, pests …
Beneficial plant-microbes interactions: biodiversity of microbes from diverse extreme environments and its impact for crop improvement
Microbes are capable of colonizing the rhizosphere and phyllosphere as well as living
inside the plant tissues as endophytes. The microbiomes associated with the crops have the …
inside the plant tissues as endophytes. The microbiomes associated with the crops have the …
Biodiversity, and biotechnological contribution of beneficial soil microbiomes for nutrient cycling, plant growth improvement and nutrient uptake
Soil, the skin of the Earth is one of the fundamental natural resource and important
component that contributes to the ecosystem. Soil performs a wide range of ecosystem …
component that contributes to the ecosystem. Soil performs a wide range of ecosystem …
Biodiversity of pesticides degrading microbial communities and their environmental impact
A number of hazardous pesticides (pure substances or mixtures of chemicals) are being
used by the farmers in agricultural fields to control undesired microbes during production …
used by the farmers in agricultural fields to control undesired microbes during production …
[HTML][HTML] Reclamation of arid and semi-arid soils: The role of plant growth-promoting archaea and bacteria
Arid and semi-arid soils are characterized by nutrient deficiency and water scarcity,
declining soil quality and climate regimes that are unfavorable for crop production. These …
declining soil quality and climate regimes that are unfavorable for crop production. These …
Minerals solubilizing and mobilizing microbiomes: A sustainable approach for managing minerals' deficiency in agricultural soil
Agriculture faces challenges to fulfil the rising food demand due to shortage of arable land
and various environmental stressors. Traditional farming technologies help in fulfilling food …
and various environmental stressors. Traditional farming technologies help in fulfilling food …