Remote sensing for estimating and map** single and basal crop coefficientes: A review on spectral vegetation indices approaches
The advances achieved during the last 30 years demonstrate the aptitude of the remote
sensing-based vegetation indices (VI) for the assessment of crop evapotranspiration (ET c) …
sensing-based vegetation indices (VI) for the assessment of crop evapotranspiration (ET c) …
Spatial evapotranspiration, rainfall and land use data in water accounting–Part 1: Review of the accuracy of the remote sensing data
The scarcity of water encourages scientists to develop new analytical tools to enhance water
resource management. Water accounting and distributed hydrological models are examples …
resource management. Water accounting and distributed hydrological models are examples …
Global spatiotemporally continuous MODIS land surface temperature dataset
Land surface temperature (LST) plays a critical role in land surface processes. However, as
one of the effective means for obtaining global LST observations, remote sensing …
one of the effective means for obtaining global LST observations, remote sensing …
Monitoring daily evapotranspiration over two California vineyards using Landsat 8 in a multi-sensor data fusion approach
Abstract California's Central Valley grows a significant fraction of grapes used for wine
production in the United States. With increasing vineyard acreage, reduced water availability …
production in the United States. With increasing vineyard acreage, reduced water availability …
Estimation of daily evapotranspiration and irrigation water efficiency at a Landsat-like scale for an arid irrigation area using multi-source remote sensing data
The estimation of land-surface evapotranspiration (ET) at high spatial and temporal
resolutions is important for management and planning of agricultural water resources, but …
resolutions is important for management and planning of agricultural water resources, but …
Interoperability of ECOSTRESS and Landsat for map** evapotranspiration time series at sub-field scales
Land-surface temperature retrieved from thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing has proven
to be a valuable constraint in surface energy balance models for estimating …
to be a valuable constraint in surface energy balance models for estimating …
Examining rapid onset drought development using the thermal infrared–based evaporative stress index
Reliable indicators of rapid drought onset can help to improve the effectiveness of drought
early warning systems. In this study, the evaporative stress index (ESI), which uses remotely …
early warning systems. In this study, the evaporative stress index (ESI), which uses remotely …
An intercomparison of drought indicators based on thermal remote sensing and NLDAS-2 simulations with US Drought Monitor classifications
Abstract Comparison of multiple hydrologic indicators, derived from independent data
sources and modeling approaches, may improve confidence in signals of emerging drought …
sources and modeling approaches, may improve confidence in signals of emerging drought …
[HTML][HTML] Map** daily evapotranspiration at field scales over rainfed and irrigated agricultural areas using remote sensing data fusion
Continuous monitoring of daily evapotranspiration (ET) at field scale can be achieved by
combining thermal infrared remote sensing data information from multiple satellite platforms …
combining thermal infrared remote sensing data information from multiple satellite platforms …
An integrated model for generating hourly Landsat-like land surface temperatures over heterogeneous landscapes
J Quan, W Zhan, T Ma, Y Du, Z Guo, B Qin - Remote Sensing of …, 2018 - Elsevier
The trade-off between spatial and temporal resolutions in remote sensing has greatly limited
the availability of concurrently high spatiotemporal land surface temperature (LST) data for …
the availability of concurrently high spatiotemporal land surface temperature (LST) data for …