Teacher's Perception on the Implementation of the Assessment Process in 2013 Curriculum

W Maba - International journal of social sciences and humanities, 2017 - neliti.com
This study aims to describe the teachers' perception on the implementation of the
assessment process in 2013 curriculum. This research is a qualitative descriptive research …

An analysis of students motivation toward English learning as second language among students in Pritchard English academy (PEACE)

W Suryasa, I Prayoga, I Werdistira - International journal of social …, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
This research aimed at investigating the students' motivation in English learning as a second
language. The method used was a survey by randomly asking the students in Pritchard …

[PDF][PDF] The effects of blended learning to students' speaking ability: A study of utilizing technology to strengthen the conventional instruction

G Ginaya, INM Rejeki, NNS Astuti - International journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
This paper describes a structured attempt to investigate the effect of blended learning
through the application of WebQuest project tasks embedded in a modified conventional …

The role of tourism stakeholders at Jasri tourism village development, Karangasem regency

S Amerta, I Made - International journal of social sciences and humanities, 2017 - neliti.com
The success on the development of tourism in a tourist destination depends on the
role/participation of tourism stakeholders in the area. Similarly, in the development of rural …

Exploring cultural inclusion in the curriculum and practices for teaching bahasa indonesia to speakers of other languages

I Solikhah, T Budiharso - Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 2020 - jsser.org
This study explores implementations for teaching Bahasa Indonesia (BI) and the process for
including culture when teaching BI to speakers of other languages (BIPA). In this research …

[PDF][PDF] Develo** communicative English language tests for tourism vocational high school students

IN Astawa, IBN Mantra… - International journal of …, 2017 - academia.edu
Communicative language teaching approach requires that the teaching of English should
enable students to master the communicative competence. Consequently, the objective of …

Increasing the effectiveness of educational technologies in the foreign languages learning process by linguistic students (comparative analysis of Russian, Indonesian …

M Pradana, R Rintaningrum, M Kosov… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of educational technologies in the
foreign language learning process by linguistic students. The focus is to compare the …

[PDF][PDF] An analysis of assessment models employed by the Indonesian elementary school teachers

W Maba, IBN Mantra - … Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities …, 2017 - researchgate.net
A teaching and learning process mainly consists of three interconnected components such
as teaching, learning, and assessment. Assessment is conducted by educators to monitor …

Perkembangan penelitian pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa kedua: Analisis bibliometrik

A Prihatini - KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan …, 2023 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Banyak penelitian tentang pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa kedua, tetapi
masih belum banyak penelitian yang memetakan tren topik penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu …

[PDF][PDF] Renewable energy sources and local development

MR Gámez, AV Perez, AS Sera… - International Journal of …, 2017 - researchgate.net
De la misma forma que se trazan políticas regionales para resolver los problemas de
investigación, desarrollo e innovación relacionados con el uso de recursos energéticos …