Teacher's Perception on the Implementation of the Assessment Process in 2013 Curriculum
W Maba - International journal of social sciences and humanities, 2017 - neliti.com
This study aims to describe the teachers' perception on the implementation of the
assessment process in 2013 curriculum. This research is a qualitative descriptive research …
assessment process in 2013 curriculum. This research is a qualitative descriptive research …
An analysis of students motivation toward English learning as second language among students in Pritchard English academy (PEACE)
This research aimed at investigating the students' motivation in English learning as a second
language. The method used was a survey by randomly asking the students in Pritchard …
language. The method used was a survey by randomly asking the students in Pritchard …
[PDF][PDF] The effects of blended learning to students' speaking ability: A study of utilizing technology to strengthen the conventional instruction
This paper describes a structured attempt to investigate the effect of blended learning
through the application of WebQuest project tasks embedded in a modified conventional …
through the application of WebQuest project tasks embedded in a modified conventional …
The role of tourism stakeholders at Jasri tourism village development, Karangasem regency
S Amerta, I Made - International journal of social sciences and humanities, 2017 - neliti.com
The success on the development of tourism in a tourist destination depends on the
role/participation of tourism stakeholders in the area. Similarly, in the development of rural …
role/participation of tourism stakeholders in the area. Similarly, in the development of rural …
Exploring cultural inclusion in the curriculum and practices for teaching bahasa indonesia to speakers of other languages
This study explores implementations for teaching Bahasa Indonesia (BI) and the process for
including culture when teaching BI to speakers of other languages (BIPA). In this research …
including culture when teaching BI to speakers of other languages (BIPA). In this research …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** communicative English language tests for tourism vocational high school students
IN Astawa, IBN Mantra… - International journal of …, 2017 - academia.edu
Communicative language teaching approach requires that the teaching of English should
enable students to master the communicative competence. Consequently, the objective of …
enable students to master the communicative competence. Consequently, the objective of …
Increasing the effectiveness of educational technologies in the foreign languages learning process by linguistic students (comparative analysis of Russian, Indonesian …
The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of educational technologies in the
foreign language learning process by linguistic students. The focus is to compare the …
foreign language learning process by linguistic students. The focus is to compare the …
[PDF][PDF] An analysis of assessment models employed by the Indonesian elementary school teachers
A teaching and learning process mainly consists of three interconnected components such
as teaching, learning, and assessment. Assessment is conducted by educators to monitor …
as teaching, learning, and assessment. Assessment is conducted by educators to monitor …
Perkembangan penelitian pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa kedua: Analisis bibliometrik
A Prihatini - KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan …, 2023 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Banyak penelitian tentang pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa kedua, tetapi
masih belum banyak penelitian yang memetakan tren topik penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu …
masih belum banyak penelitian yang memetakan tren topik penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu …
[PDF][PDF] Renewable energy sources and local development
De la misma forma que se trazan políticas regionales para resolver los problemas de
investigación, desarrollo e innovación relacionados con el uso de recursos energéticos …
investigación, desarrollo e innovación relacionados con el uso de recursos energéticos …